
Search results

  1. Raja Yoga- What is Raj Yoga?

    What is Raja Yoga? The Royal Path or the Path of the Royals; is the path of knowledge that was given to highly evolved kings. Raja Yoga is the path of mental discipline. We have the freedom and ability to choose our inner state irrespective of the conditi ...
  2. Quick relaxation with Yoga

    Yoga gives you some quick relaxation tricks. Yoga asanas/postures are effective and improve the functioning of various body parts. Some simple asanas are suggested for various body parts for relaxing and proper functioning, eg. Yoga for Knees Yoga for Eye ...
  3. Yoga for Eyes: Improve Eyesight Naturally

    Your digitally-strained eyes will thank you for these simple yoga exercises. Many of the yogic poses/asana and exercises are aimed at improving the functioning of specific organs of the body. Yoga provides a series of exercises that improves the functioni ...
  4. Yoga for Knees

    Your knees are hard-working shock absorbers. Yoga helps to keep knees healthy and strong by lengthening and strengthening the surrounding thigh and calf muscles, thus helping to ease the pressure on the knees. Injuries and knee problems are often due to m ...
  5. Ashtanga Yoga- Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Patanjali, an ancient sage, defined yoga as the and lsquo;restraining of thought waves'. He compiled and lsquo;Patanjali's Yoga Sutras', the aphorisms of yoga, in which he provides an eight-limbed approach for t ...
  6. Hatha Yoga

    A very popular path of yoga that begin with physical postures/asanas, designed to strengthen the physical body and nervous system. The spine is strengthened and all internal organs and functions are enhanced. Next, it uses breathing exercises to clear and ...
  7. Gnana Yoga- The Path of Knowledge

    The path of knowledge is the experiential knowledge of the Self. Though one begins on this path by reading scriptures and listening to the Wise, the knowledge flows from within by the grace. 'Knowledge of the Self brings the mind back to purity.' ...
  8. Bhakti Yoga

    The blossoming of devotion towards God is the sweetest experience one can have. Bhakti Yoga is one of the types of yoga mentioned in the ancient Indian scripts which denotes the spiritual practise of fostering loving devotion (bhakti) to a personal form o ...
  9. Karma Yoga

    Karma Yoga is the path ‘action’, putting in 100% effort and not being attached to the outcome or fruit of the action. Karma yoga can be applied to every task that you do, when the action is done with full focus and attention, yet selflessly, it brings tot ...
  10. Paths of Yoga

    Yoga is the journey as well as the goal. There are many paths of yoga described in the ancient Indian scriptures. Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, all paths of Yoga lead to Self-realization. Though the journey may begin on any single path of yoga, bu ...