By Jane Evans | Posted: December 16, 2019
People always say that when you meet your soulmate, you’ll know. You can’t wait to see them again, you can talk for hours without getting tired or bored, and your physical connection is as strong as the emotional bond you share. You feel happier than ever and you want the whole world to know.
Your soulmate makes you want to be a better person every day, and you want them to feel the same way about you. If you want to become an endless inspiration for your partner, here’s what you can do to become their muse for a lifetime.
Validate your partner’s feelings
Finding a soulmate doesn’t mean having an identical twin who happens to think and feel the same way you do about everything. It’s perfectly normal if your views or feelings about different aspects of life don’t match across the board.
Don’t punish or judge your partner for not agreeing with you. Instead, take the time to try to understand their position and why they might feel the way they do. You’ll benefit from a widened worldview, too!
Support them in achieving their dreams
Don’t dominate your partner’s life or expect them to dedicate all their free time to you. You are both individual spirits, and each one of you needs soul food to grow and develop into an even better person.
Support your soulmate as they chase their dreams, and ask them to support you while you do yours. Feel their accomplishments and happiness as your own, and your relationship will prosper.
Let them be exactly who they are
Willingly or not, we often try to show only our good side in the first few months of a relationship, and we sometimes even do it at the cost of hiding who we really are. The end of the (in)famous honeymoon phase, however, should free you to show your true selves to each other, marking a more mature and solid period in your relationship.
Set a good example
Making lists of things you want your partner to do, learn, or change about themselves isn’t going to make you their inspiration. Nobody likes to be bossed around, even if you’re just trying to help them be their best!
Instead of telling them what to do and how to do it, own the change you want to see. There’s no better way to show your partner better alternatives for certain behaviors or ways of thinking than being a stable, calm, and self-assured example. Even better, do self-improvement activities together, like couples yoga or meditation.
Earn their respect by setting healthy boundaries
Love doesn’t mean accepting every action your partner takes or the behavior they exhibit. Sometimes, in order to restore balance and keep your relationship healthy, you need to set certain boundaries to protect the dynamic of your relationship.
Stay true to yourself and make sure your partner understands where you stand. They will respect you even more for it.
The flexible bond of love
Strong relationships aren’t something you just run into during life. They must be carefully built and maintained, and each of the partners needs to be ready to do their part along the way. Love creates a bond that no other feeling can, but to make your relationship last, you and your partner should become each other’s best friends, confidants, and sources of inspiration.
Learn to support your partner in their endeavors, set an example by behaving the way you’d like them to, and maintain boundaries that will keep your relationship healthy and respectful. Your partner will not only love you for it but will also consider you their muse: a person who always picks them up and makes them want to be a better person.