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  1. 4 Ways Meditation Increases Your Productivity and Wellness

    By Annelies Richmond You've heard it a million times from friends and family: "Take time for yourself." But, like most clichés, it's easier said than done. Between chaotic work schedules, trying to fit in the new workout routine you pr ...
  2. Ayurvedic Weight Loss: 3 Secrets For Success

    As a Western physician, I have watched an endless stream of fad diets and weight loss schemes come and go over the past 30 years. The one question I am asked most often is: “What type of diet do you recommend?” My answer is not a diet at all. It is Ayurve ...
  3. Ayurvedic Weight Loss (Part 2): Stress Reduction

    In our last blog we discovered how Ayurveda has given us the tools for losing weight and keeping it off.  We learned what to eat and when and the reason why fad diets don’t work. Right lifestyle is the key to successful weight management. That lifestyle i ...
  4. Ayurvedic Weight Loss (Part 3): Herbal Supplements

    In our last blog we learned how stress reduction is one of the keys to successful weight management. The Sudarshan Kriya, as taught at AOLRC, was recommended as a wonderful breath technique for managing stress and reducing anxiety. Today our blog is about ...
  5. How to Get Rid of a Headache: 9 Tips for Migraine Relief

    It is not just a headache. Migraine sufferers know best how debilitating one can be, making work and even sleep impossible at times. When migraines occur, sufferers often go straight to painkillers. However, while painkillers may offer instant, initial re ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More