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  1. 4 Ways Meditation Increases Your Productivity and Wellness

    By Annelies Richmond You've heard it a million times from friends and family: "Take time for yourself." But, like most clichés, it's easier said than done. Between chaotic work schedules, trying to fit in the new workout routine you pr ...
  2. 8 Ways to Jumpstart Your Lifestyle with Ayurveda

    More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is considered a science of life. From the Sanskrit words “Ayur” for life, and “Veda” meaning science or knowledge, Ayurveda offers a sense of wisdom that can help people cultivate vitality and optimal ...
  3. Ayurvedic Cleanse: The Natural Way to Detox (Part 2)

    Ayurveda, the holistic medicine from India, has given us a treasure trove of methods to minimize the toxins that come into our lives and maximize the toxins that go out. In our last blog, we learned the best place to start an  Ayurvedic cleanse  is with a ...
  4. Sleep Better With Ayurveda

    Ever wondered how to sleep better? Ask just about anyone if they get enough sleep, and the answer you are likely to get is “no.” According to the CDC, “An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder.” Not only is the quality of sl ...
  5. Ayurveda’s Satisfaction Diet

    Feel Better Today: Add More Tastes Have you ever eaten your way to the bottom of a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips only to find yourself feeling unsatisfied? Have you ever dug into to a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, only to find yourself still craving som ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More