
Search results

  1. Mind and Meditation

    Have you observed what is happening in your mind every moment? It vacillates between the past and the future. It is either in the past occupied with what has happened or in the future thinking about what you have to do. Knowledge is being aware of this ph ...
  2. Ayurvedic Cleanse: The Natural Way to Detox (Part 2)

    Ayurveda, the holistic medicine from India, has given us a treasure trove of methods to minimize the toxins that come into our lives and maximize the toxins that go out. In our last blog, we learned the best place to start an  Ayurvedic cleanse  is with a ...
  3. Ayurveda’s Satisfaction Diet

    Feel Better Today: Add More Tastes Have you ever eaten your way to the bottom of a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips only to find yourself feeling unsatisfied? Have you ever dug into to a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, only to find yourself still craving som ...
  4. Yoga and Ayurveda

    THE BENEFITS OF YOGA AND AYURVEDA Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences from the ancient wellness tradition of India. Ayurveda is a science for keeping the body in balance through right diet, exercise, meditation and herbs. In Ayurveda there are three dos ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More