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Practice Groups | The Art of Living
Sudarshan Kriya Meetups Connect With Others & Deepen Your Practice Find a Meetup Icon: Enjoy the company of a positive, spiritual community Icon: Discuss knowledge to enhance your peace of mind Icon: Refresh the techniques from The Happiness Progra ... -
Sahaj Samadhi Meditation
Is Your Meditation Effortless, Enjoyable and Effective? Introducing Sahaj Samadhi® Meditation: Experience Deep Inner Peace—the State of Samadhi Increase Self-Awareness, Clarity and Creativity Become Fully Proficient in Just a Few Hours Find a Workshop Nea ... -
The Art of Living Happiness Program
HTML field: HTML field: Find Your Calm & Clear Just One Weekend, a Lifetime of Possibilities Find out how the Art of Living Happiness Program can help you rediscover your joy, cope with the stresses of everyday life and become a calmer, more confi ... -
Helps You Be Calm
Sudarshan Kriya is the best thing happened to my mind and body. It’s very effective. it helps you to be calm. the first time i did it, it was an out of body experience... felt like i was in my purest form ever. ... -
I Can Now Speak Confidently
Sudarshan Kriya can really help calm your mind. I can now speak confidently and become more patient after doing the Sudarshan Kriya daily. ... -
Healthy & Happy
I was having thyroid to the extent that my doctor wanted me to undergo a surgery at the age of 18. It’s been 4 yrs since I have been practicing Sudarshan Kriya and today I am surviving as a healthy happy individual without any medicines or any surgery. ... -
I’m Emotionally Stronger
“I was undergoing moderate depression. Hated eating. Couldn't focus on anything in life. Was basically in a very, very bad state of mind (depression does that) and had no idea how to get out of it. Within one month of Sudarshan Kriya, I was returning ... -
My Whole Personality Has Been Transformed
I was diagnosed with Hypertension (High BP) at the age of 19. I started practicing Sudarshan Kriya at the age of 21, now 6yrs have passed and am as normal or fit as I could have imagined. My whole personality has been transformed. I love practicing Sudars ... -
Positive Change in State of Mind
“I learnt Sudarshan Kriya five years back, immediately after doing Kriya first time we can see positive change in state of mind. Over a period of time I realized that my immune system became better with regular practice. I didn't have any breathing r ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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