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  1. Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?

    Looking for and finding a life partner is like getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime and not always knowing where it may lead. But three things can help – compassion as a guide map, meditation as a compass, and love as a light to show the way. In t ...
  2. Love, Relationship Advice, and Yoga

    Posted: March 26, 2018 It’s a few minutes past 5 AM, which means that it’s a few minutes into my daily yoga practice. My right leg lunges forward, while my right foot points ahead. My left leg is straight and firm behind me. I breathe in the quiet morning ...
  3. Cupid’s Struck my Yoga Mat!!

    Valentine’s Day is back! For some it’s a pressure test, for others it’s about butterflies, for a few it’s about expressions and the rest just flow with the feeling! We are breaking the monotone this Valentine’s and making it adventurous! Breaking the ice ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More