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  1. Can you speak a little on marriage?

    Marriage is a commitment to share one's life and care for another. It helps one to come out of self-centeredness. In a marriage, you cannot always think about only yourself. After being married you have to also think about your spouse. If you want to go o ...
  2. Dearest Gurudev, can you please talk about the secret behind a successful marriage?

    When there are two lines which run parallel, they go on forever together, but when they are focussed on each other, they cross and go away from each other. The same is true with relationships. When both partners have a common goal in life and are focussed ...
  3. My wife always complains that I do not tell her ‘I love you’. But it is not in my nature to express love through words. Is it necessary to express love?

    See, there are different ways of saying and expressing love. Just find a way that suits you and say it. If you cannot say it in words, then express it by making some hand gestures. Or you can write it and give it to her. You can send her a text message. N ...
  4. I could not marry the person I was in love with because of certain circumstances. Now I am not able to give all of my love to the person I am married to. How do I fix this struggle?

    Look, you have made this relationship, so now give your 100% and see. Otherwise you will only keep dreaming. If a husband thinks that 'I did not get the kind of wife I wanted', and the wife thinks that 'I didn’t get the kind of husband I wanted', then bot ...
  5. I got divorced four years ago and got remarried less than a year ago. I see that the same situations are repeating in my life. Is this karma or am I not able to apply the knowledge?

    You will know this better. See what mistakes you are making. Do you have acceptance? Do you serve a person? Why would someone not like to be with you if you are a fountain of joy and enthusiasm? Why would someone not like to be with you if you are full of ...
  6. Marriage means sacrifice. Sacrificing your desires for the good of the other and for the sake of the whole family...

    Marriage means sacrifice. Sacrificing your desires for the good of the other and for the sake of the whole family.Marriage is compromise. ...
  7. Be a beacon of light and a beacon of joy to the home you have been married into. Know that you can change the...

    Be a beacon of light and a beacon of joy to the home you have been married into. Know that you can change the situation and you can change people with love ...
  8. Marriage means compromise. You have to let go of your wishes and desires and listen to what the other person wants....

    Marriage means compromise. You have to let go of your wishes and desires and listen to what the other person wants. If there is no compromise, then there are arguments. When there are arguments, fights happens ...
  9. If your partner has made a mistake, you should forgive them and give them another chance. You expect your partner to...

    If your partner has made a mistake, you should forgive them and give them another chance. You expect your partner to behave like an enlightened person.. This is expecting too much from your side ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More