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I think I am addicted to sex. I have no self-control when it comes to sex. I try very hard, but I can’t control myself.
I think you have too much free time. If you are busy and you work hard, then you will get so tired that you will be waiting to hit the pillow. The moment you hit the pillow you will fall asleep. You either have too much free time or you are eating too much ... -
How do we curb our desires to watch porn, which is so freely available these days?
Yoga, pranayama, meditation change these tendencies in you. It changes your nature. You know that you are not just the body; you are scintillating spirit. With the help of these practices, you find yourself elevated to another level. ... -
I have many erotic thoughts, are they harmful?
Never mind, don’t worry! Don’t identify yourself with the thoughts. Thoughts are thoughts, they come and go. As long as you don’t act on them, you are safe. It takes time for your consciousness to be dispassionate and centered so such thoughts don’t occur ... -
Isn't sex created by God?
God has put these tendencies in our lives for us to rise above them. Without this there is nothing else in life to do. We have also been given the wisdom and the tools to rise above them. So the solution has been given first and then the problem. We need t ... -
I have come to know that sex is not good. How do I get over my desire to have sex?
Why do you think sex is negative? Through sex alone everybody has come to this earth., In the past people have been made to believe “Sex is the original sin”. Sex is not a sin, it is a basic function. Any plant, human, animal, everything comes out of it, a ... -
Is it okay to see someone's beauty? Is it not lust to look at someone's beauty?
If you see some beauty and you want to possess it, then it is lust. You see beautiful things in the world, and every beautiful thing should remind you of the divinity. Then the beauty itself becomes a prayer. A great saint from India wrote some beautiful v ... -
I am gay, is it wrong?
No, if the tendency is in you, just accept it. Why do you want to blame yourself? It is a biological tendency. Why do you have to be ashamed of it? Just accept it! We should not label and blame ourselves. If you have such a tendency, just recognize it and ... -
Is being gay an impression of the mind?
It could be, or it could also be biological. My advice would be to get out of labelling yourself based on some tendency of the body. Know that you are consciousness, you are love, you are scintillating energy. Your identification as energy, as love and as ... -
I want to be honest with my parents about my sexuality. Yet my fear of losing their love and support has been stopping me from being honest with them. Please guide me to a solution.
What are you going to achieve by telling your parents? Is it going to make them any happier? When they are not going to be happy, what is the point in telling them? Think about it. You don’t have to pretend to be what you are not; at the same time you don ... -
Sometimes I feel very lonely. I really don’t know what to do to get rid of this. I need someone to support me and someone on whom I can rely on.
Any companionship when it goes from a place of wanting or lack to contributing, it is long lasting. You came into this world all alone. Even if you are born twins, you are alone. When you go from here, you are going to go alone. Do not try to run away from ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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