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  1. Practice What You Preach

    (The Outreach Program, Jamia Millia Islamia, organized a dialogue with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Gurudev spoke on World Peace & Global Harmony, which was followed by a guided meditation. Afterwards, the audience of over 400, which included faculty ...
  2. Finding Strength Through Faith

    How can a person build up faith? Or is it a talent with which one is born with? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You cannot build up faith, you should simply become aware of your doubts and drop them. When you drop your doubts, faith is already there.A doubt is like ...
  3. Bring An End To Cow Slaughter

    Mr Gopal here really lives up to his name – ‘Gopal’ (another name for Lord Krishna; also meaning one who takes care of the cows). He is so dedicated towards the cause of safeguarding the cows.I have been wanting to come here since a very long time, but so ...
  4. Faith Is Good Enough

    (Below is a continuation of the post Making Love Last) Is true surrender god given? How can human beings try to achieve it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: For god’s sake, don’t try to surrender. I think this word surrender has been misused so many times that it is ...
  5. Making Love Last

    Gurudev, how do I find a life partner? I feel I’ve tried everything with no luck. What do I do differently? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, I’m not an expert in this. You have to ask this question to somebody who has been in many relationships and finally got ...
  6. Being Joyful Like A Child

    There is one thing that everybody is seeking for, and that is happiness. It is not that people don’t find, they do find happiness but it doesn’t last too long. It is momentary; for couple of hours, or one or two days. But the tendency of the spirit is to ...
  7. Give Miracles A Chance

    There are three components in life:1. Effort. Without your self-effort, nothing happens. So you have to put your effort. Will everything   happen only through your effort? No.You make an effort and sow a mango sapling today and you want the fruit of it to ...
  8. Just Let Go!

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Purpose Of Yoga) Divinity is in the simplest state or form of awareness, i.e., feeling 'I don’t know. Who cares, I don’t know'.When you relax what is happening? The body relaxes and the mind expands. But when you w ...
  9. Sri Sri's Message on Diwali

    Happy Diwali to everybody! Diwali is the festival of lights, the festival of joy, prosperity, knowledge, wisdom and everything because light indicates many things. And it is not enough if one lamp is lit, we need lots of lamps to be lit for knowledge to b ...
  10. The Purpose Of Yoga

    Let’s talk about yoga today.You know, the definition for 'asana' is 'stable and pleasant'. You should feel comfortable when doing yoga asanas. That's why it is said, 'Sthiram sukham asanam'. Yoga is that which gives you pleasure and comfort. So whenever y ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More