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  1. Ignorance, Meet Self-pity

    What is it that is bothering you? Wake up and see, everything is going to finish. Everything is going to come to an end one day. This very awareness, that everything is going to finish one day, can take you out of the worrying tendency of the mind. This i ...
  2. You Are The Light

    (Below is a continuation of the post Where Love Is, God Is!) Gurudev, why does someone sometimes have attractions towards people of the same sex? Why is being homosexual or bisexual such a taboo? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I think it is no longer a taboo in ma ...
  3. Where Love Is, God Is!

    Gurudev, who are you? Are you God? Do you know everything? What is a Guru and why are you a Guru? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why am I Guru? It just happened by accident. I kept sharing what I knew and people started calling me Guru. That’s how I became a Guru. ...
  4. Transformed By Praise

    From what I understand, the spiritual path is about dropping one's ego. Yet what I've observed is, as a Guru you seem to do a lot of pumping up of people's ego; especially certain people. Please talk about this apparent irony. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There ...
  5. Change Your Attitude Change Your Life

    (Below is a continuation of the post An Unwritten Law) In a practical and immediate way, what can we do to combat terrorism? Can people say special mantras or prayers to help erase the horrible violence? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We need to bring unity in div ...
  6. An Unwritten Law

    (Below is a continuation of the post Three Levels Of Silence) In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna beautifully describes the types of doers. He says, 'Mukta-sango 'naham-vadi , dhrty-utsaha-samanvitah siddhy-asiddhyor nirvikarah, karta sattvika ucyate'. (18 ...
  7. Stop Being Judgmental, Start Being Compassionate

    (Below is a continuation of the post Today's Pain Is Tomorrow's Strength) Gurudev, I have observed that all your devotees are very sweet when they are at a course, or in a satsang, but when they go out in the world, things change. It seems like nobody wan ...
  8. Today's Pain Is Tomorrow's Strength

    (Below is a continuation of the post Marriage Means Sacrifice) I have misbehaved and now I feel very sad about it. My family is also suffering. I keep thinking of the past and I can’t get rid of it. Please tell me what to do. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What is ...
  9. Marriage Means Sacrifice

    You say the consonants without vowels. Without 'Aa', 'Ka' cannot be said. Without 'Aa', 'Cha' cannot be said. None of the consonants can be uttered without vowels. And when you try to utter consonants without vowels, the mind stops. Try it!When you try to ...
  10. Every test is an opportunity for you to grow

    See how nature has done it so beautifully! A coconut does not fall when it is heavy and full of water. When the water dries up, it becomes lighter and then it falls. A heavy coconut will never fall, you have to go and pluck it when it is full of water.Jus ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More