
Ayurvedic Detox Tea and
Digestive Booster

By Isha Sharma | Posted: August 24, 2018

Spring is a time for cleansing and detox as we transition from sluggish, slow winter.

To boost our digestive system and clear ourselves of the fat and toxins stored from all the cookies and goodies we ate during winter, here is an Ayurvedic recipe for a simple yet effective cleansing elixir.

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 T grated or minced Ginger Root
  • 1 T Cumin seeds, whole
  • 1 T Coriander seeds, whole
  • 1 T Fennel seeds, whole
  • 3 c Water
  • 1 tsp Honey (do not boil)
  • Lime juice from 1/4 fresh lime (about 1 tsp – do not boil)


  1. Bring all of the ingredients except the honey and lime to boil in a pan. Keep boiling until the water is reduced to half its volume.

  2. Strain and add the honey, and juice of 1⁄4 lime.

  3. Sip throughout the day,  especially before meals to encourage better digestion.

You can also create a large batch of the water and keep it in a thermos. The blend of spices in this tea is known to not only aid in the removal of toxins, but also boost metabolism, reduce bloating and eliminate gas when taken on a daily basis.


By Isha Sharma, a global nomad native to the Himalayas and raised across six countries. Youth Ambassador and Instructor at the Art of Living, E-RYT 300 Yoga Teacher, Social Worker, Nutritionist and Mind-Body Wellness Writer.

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