
Giving Thanks in the Time of COVID. Special Note by Gurudev

Giving thanks in the time of COVID. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's special Thanksgiving Day message during these tough and stressful pandemic times.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

In the past, the United States of America has gone through a lot of turbulence and we have learned a lot from those challenges. On this Thanksgiving Day, let's remember all the virtues that we have, all the blessings we have received, and all the strength that we have obtained in overcoming these tough times. 

Let's thank the Divine for being with us, holding our hands, and helping us move through all the challenges we face today. Behind every problem, there is always a solution in sight. In these difficult pandemic times, let’s thank all the people who have put their lives at risk and served society; the healthcare workers, the frontline workers, the police, all of them. Let's thank them all.

Let’s thank the Divine for giving us the strength to endure and grow through these tough times. Let's thank all those who have directly or indirectly brought some comfort and relief to others. We are part of one global human family.

Let's not forget to express thanks to our fellow human beings. Let’s also express our gratitude and thanks to the universal spirit. And let’s share that thanks with ourselves too—it will take us forward and uplift human life on this planet.

Celebrate this Thanksgiving Day with much devotion and dedication. Don't forget to smile through the tough times. Your smile can be contagious. It can provide confidence and solace to those around us. We can all contribute to lighting up society when our spirit is awake and alert.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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