
Weekly Wisdom: Finding
Meaning in Boredom

By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

In this Weekly Wisdom, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares beautiful insights on how to surrender your boredom and find meaning in life. Find out.

When everything appears boring and meaningless, only then you want to find meaning. If everything is already meaningful, then there’s no journey at all. It stops there. There’s no journey at all, and no question of even stopping. 

When there’s no quest, there’s no journey at all. So the question, “What is this, who am I?” is a very precious step in the spiritual realm. This is, in fact, the first step in the spiritual realm. You find everything else meaningless and you want to find meaning. 

Should my life have a meaning?

Let this question sink into your depth. Don’t be in a hurry. 

When a seed has sprouted and just become a little sapling, don’t be in a hurry to cut it, thinking it’s a tree. No! Let it grow into a huge tree. Then, you can do whatever you want to do with that tree. When you cut that tree, or some of the branches, it will benefit you. But you shouldn’t cut a sapling. It has just sprouted. 

So let this question sink in you. Keep wondering. Keep asking the question. Don’t be in a hurry to grab an answer, but relax and let go. You’ll start getting deeper meditation, just with this. 

When you understand everything else is meaningless, but you ask what is the real meaning, what is the purpose of creation, why did God create this earth, these questions, in a very significant manner, begin your inward journey. That’s why a real teacher won’t give you the answer for this, though he knows it.

One thing I’d say is that you’re fortunate to get this question. And you’re in the right place where you’ll find the answer. This, I guarantee you. Two things, when you ask me this question you’re fortunate, number one. Second, you’re in the right place to get a good answer. 

Isn’t it boring for you to always be happy?

This is like asking the sun, “Isn’t it boring for you to shine every day?’ What will the sun say?”

The sun says, “Oh, well, it’s my nature, my dear. I don’t know any other way.”

If you ask the ocean, “Isn’t it boring for you to have waves every day?” 

The ocean will say, “Well, my dear, this is my nature.”

If you ask the trees, “Isn’t it boring for you to every spring come up with new leaves and in autumn shed all the leaves? You’re doing this all your life. Isn’t it boring to you?”

Then they just smile and say, “My dear, you don’t know what existence has to say.”

We’re in our nature so it’s not boredom. One who couldn’t find himself or his nature feels bored with everything and it’s a blessing. Boredom is the greatest blessing. When you get bored by things, you’re not stuck in them. You’re moving inward. 

Unfortunately, people don’t move inward. They move from object to object to object. They get bored of everything, and then they get depressed. No! When you get bored of everything, you should be so happy! That happiness will take you away from all boredom in your life forever. 

Since my childhood, I’ve never known what boredom is. People ask, “Are you not bored staying alone?” Staying alone you get bored? Absolutely not, for me. If I stay alone, I’m so happy. If I am with people, I’m happy. It doesn’t matter, because you’re abiding in your own nature. 

When you know yourself, there’s no boredom. Until that time, boredom is a great blessing. I’d like you to get bored with everything other than just being in silence, in meditation. That’s good.


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