
Weekly Wisdom: The Heart,
the Head, and Deep Rest

By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

In this Weekly Wisdom, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares beautiful insights on how to use your head and heart to succeed and find deep rest. Find out.

Do business with your head, not your heart. Those who do business with their heart incur a loss. 

Although you should do business with your head, you should not be like Enron. That’s not doing business with the head. It’s doing business with a corrupt, rotten, sick head. Do business with a healthy head, and with your heart do your service. 

A healthy balance

Often people do the opposite. They do their business with their heart, and when it comes to business they become so emotionally entangled. They make commitments but they’re unable to keep them. They get into a mess. 

When it comes to doing charity or living life, spending time with your family and friends, if you’re calculating and doing it all with your head, you’re going to spoil the whole thing. So your service activity, charity, should all be done with your heart. Your dealings with your friends and family should be with your heart and business with your head.

A perfect balance between these two is the best way to be in the world. With an imbalance in this, you’ll cause problems to others and yourself. 

The journey from head to heart

Somebody got on a train. The train was moving anyway, but they wanted to go faster and faster and kept running inside the compartment. A wise man said, “Come on, my dear. Your running inside the compartment won’t make the train reach there faster. You’re on the train and it will reach your place at the right time. Just relax.” 

Once you’re on this path, in this knowledge, you’re committed to doing meditation every day. If you miss one or two days here or there, it’s okay. With daily meditation and listening to knowledge, you’re making progress. You can’t be both examiner and student. Either you’re a student or you’re an examiner. So, if you’re a student, leave the examiner job to me. Don’t analyze and examine your own papers. 

Rest comes from a conviction in your heart

Deep rest comes with the heartfelt sense that everything is being taken care of. The divine is taking care of everything. That will give you deep rest.

Feel that the divine is my friend. The divine is with me, so all my needs will be taken care of. My wishes, if they’re good for me, will be granted. Have this staunch understanding. That will give you deep rest. Nothing else can give you such a deep rest as this conviction in you. “I’ll get the best and what’s best for me. If it’s best for me, I’ll get it.” 

With this conviction in your heart, you’ll find that you get deep rest. It’s desire and craving that makes us restless. Aversion and fear also take away the peace and restfulness from us. 

Hold just this one thought, “I’ll be taken care of. I’ll get the best and what is best for me at that time. Ultimately, that’s what I’m going to get. On the path, on the way, I may stumble, I may fall a couple of times but that’s just a process. It’s not the end result in my life.” 

Rough times may still come. They come, and they go. 


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