The highly interconnected world of our times provides valuable opportunities to absorb the best from every part of the world. However, this can happen only when one has an open mind.
The process of opening up our mind to the vastness and diversity of the world is spirituality. Spirituality is the openness to see and understand that the whole world belongs to us, and to have a sense of ownership of what is good and the willingness to take responsibility for correcting what’s not right. Such an outlook makes one a global citizen, who can adopt and imbibe the best from every corner of the world and blossom into a complete personality.
Teamwork from Japan: Japan’s strong culture of teamwork or collectivism has helped the little island nation to become an industrial and business giant.
Precision and punctuality from Germany: Germans place a high priority on structure, precision and punctuality in all spheres of life. The precision of engineering and design in German autos and appliances is legendary.
Negotiation & marketing from America: A couple of years ago, I asked a few volunteers to do something creative. Three months later, all came up with great projects and each started proving that their project is the best in the world. A fragile looking American lady presented a project of making handkerchiefs. She explained 17 features that made it the best in the world. All points made by her were logical and convincing. One can learn the art of marketing from the Americans.
Etiquette from Britain: Britain still retains its culture of friendliness and civility, which were famous in wartime.
Happiness from Bhutan: Bhutan is a small country, but its happiness index is highest in the world. People may be living in a poor area, but they have smiles on their faces.
Human Values from India: When you meet someone in an Indian village, they don’t ask you from where you have come, but first invite you to have tea, buttermilk or a meal. Village folks in India may not have much, but they are very friendly, hospitable and compassionate. The human values of caring and sharing are integral to Indian culture.
From a global perspective we find good qualities everywhere in the world. We already accept food and music from every part of the world. One doesn’t need to be Chinese in order to eat Chinese food nor Danish to eat Danish cookies! Similarly, we need to learn to accept knowledge and wisdom from every tradition. This globalization of wisdom is the need of the hour.
Technology has shrunk the world into a global village and spirituality will make it into a global family. Active participation from different cultures, races, religions and faith groups makes this movement very heterogeneous. A true harmonious and civilized society is one where diversity is not only tolerated but celebrated.