Spiritual Leader, Humanitarian, and Ambassador of Peace

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar stands as a beacon of humanity, a guiding spiritual force, and an advocate for peace. His unwavering vision of a world free from stress and violence has united millions worldwide under the banner of service, offered through The Art of Living.

Since 1981, Gurudev has been teaching breath-based meditation techniques for health and well-being. His approach blends lightness, humor, inspiration, and ancient wisdom. Through his work, millions of people around the world have found calm, peace, and resilience. Over the years, his vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has ignited a global movement that has reached 180 countries. His ongoing humanitarian and conflict-mediation initiatives have helped strengthen communities in places as diverse as Colombia, India, the Ivory Coast, and North America.
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A Catalyst for

Positive Change

Gurudev's teachings offer deep, lasting transformation. His courses help people lower stress and anxiety, restore sleep, and find deeper joy and purpose. The cornerstone of his courses is SKY Breath Meditation (SKY). SKY has been researched in over 100 peer-reviewed studies at institutions including Yale, Stanford, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and the University of Arizona.

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Gurudev’s impact is seen in over 30,000 instructors and a million volunteers worldwide, all committed to nurturing empowered individuals and communities. Through their collective efforts, work is happening in areas of need, including our schools, colleges, veterans associations, prisons, and environment. In light of his contributions, Gurudev has received honorary doctorates, government honors, and been an invited keynote speaker at distinguished venues.such as the United Nations, the European Parliament, the Scottish Parliament, the Delaware State Legislature, Davos, TED, and more.

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Amid Diversity

Gurudev has launched global initiatives to support communities in crisis. He has supported conflict resolution by: inspiring the FARC to pursue a non-violent path and return to peace negotiations in Colombia; in Los Angeles, uniting gang members and police officers to build harmony; and mediating a peaceful resolution to a five centuries old conflict in Northern India. His core message of a one world family inspires and unites people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, races, and social groups.

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Practical Wisdom for

Modern Living

Gurudev is the author of the Wall Street Journal national bestseller, Notes for the Journey Within. Apart from his books, Gurudev shares practical tips for a calmer, stress-free life through live events and online videos. Yet Gurudev's offerings are more than words—he creates space for life-changing experiences. Through evidence-based techniques alongside ancient wisdom, he helps people navigate the challenges of modern life.

Connect with A Visionary

You can connect with Gurudev on social media, whether it’s for his inspiring messages or guided meditations.