The energy (prana) in our bodies manifests in three ways. One is called prakashika, which is the awareness in you that creates awareness.
And then the second form of energy is called dahika. It means burning.
The third type of manifestation of the same energy, the life force, is called pachika, the one which digests and moves forward.
Awareness, alertness, knowledge
So awareness, alertness, and knowledge come from prakashika. That's one form of energy. Are you aware? Just notice, what’s the quality of your energy now?
The more energy you have, the sharper and more observant you are. When the energy is in the form of prakashika—let's call it the P energy—all our experiences from the five senses become intense.
When it’s high, you're learning better, expressing better, and your awareness is better.
When you’re doing something, knowledge is in the background. When knowledge is in front, doing is in the background. Have you noticed this?
Exercise, actions, doing
Now, the same energy manifests as dahika, D energy. Dahika energy occurs when you are doing exercise and notice you're not thinking much. When you do very heavy exercise, like weightlifting, your thinking brain goes to sleep.
Dahika is when your metabolism is burning.
All actions come under this category: exercise, movement, and doing.
Digesting, consuming, letting go
And then you have pachika. Pachika is what you've digested. Let's call it C for consume. Once you consume it, it's not there anymore.
Your tolerance and endurance are pachika, C energy. How much pain you can take shows your ability to digest.
Life presents many circumstances, events, and situations. A strong person will digest them all and move forward. You don't sit and cry about them—that doesn't happen.
But instead, invoke the pachika, or C energy, so that you can go forward. This is what happens in our lives. All experiences in life slowly and gradually become consumed. If they don't, they are called trauma.
Trauma stays in your mind and doesn't get consumed. This is how important C energy or consuming energy is.
Three kinds of energy
So, there is P energy (awareness), D energy (doing), and C energy (consuming/digestive)—prakashika, dahika, and pachika.
We experience all three to some degree. Which is more in you? Which dominates at one time determines whether we're happy or unhappy or how we're doing.
If all three energies are balanced and robust, then that's a happy, blissful, and healthy life.
Suppose you have only P energy (awareness), and you have no energy to do anything. The dahika energy isn't there at all. That's useless.
Similarly, you're only working, but your P energy (awareness) and C energy (consuming/digestive) aren't there. You're holding onto the past, which is also not good.
The higher your prana, the more energy you have. You get the ability to experience the experience. It's like you're more aware, and to be more aware, you need energy. If you're tired and have no energy, can you be more aware? Impossible!
If you're tired, sleepy, or dull, you're not aware of anything. Similarly, to feel your being, you need prana. Got it?
Editor’s note:
Register for the Art of Living Part 1 to experience Gurudev’s ancient secret to modern well-being and higher prana levels, SKY Breath Meditation (Sudarshan Kriya), for yourself. SKY has helped millions of people worldwide improve all aspects of their lives.