
Weekly Wisdom: 5 Habits
to Be Highly Successful

In this Weekly Wisdom, Gurudev discusses 5 important habits that will bring you strength to endure challenges and live successful, joyful lives.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev recently shared five habits we all need to incorporate into our lives to be highly successful:

Stop bothering about what others say

When you’re not focused on applause from others but instead on what you want to contribute, then you become more powerful and centered.

Otherwise, a few negative comments can de-motivate you and leave you with depression. 

You keep some pickles near your food. South Asians love chili, but it isn’t a main course. Let it be on the side for when you need a little bit.

Treat negative comments like a little bit of dressing. Like wasabi. You can’t eat a lot, but it’s OK to have some on the side.

First, comments might come from well-wishers. They put your friendship at risk and say bad stuff. Simply thank them for showing you a mirror! 

The other side of the story involves jealousy, prejudice, or some sort of hatred. These are sicknesses! 

You have a choice between only two options. Either you can thank them or feel compassion for them. 

Don’t wait to be happy


Life has two angles. You fix some goals, strive for them, and you expect some happiness to come. 

On the other hand, you live life happily, and you do everything to express joy, not expecting joy. When you act as an expression of joy, you don’t need a purpose.

Purpose comes when you’re not fulfilled. But when you’re complete, and you just share what you have, then you don’t hang on to questions like “What is the purpose of my life? What should I be doing?” and all that.

When you’re joyful now, there’s clarity in mind, purity in heart, and sincerity in action. 

Realize life is too short

Life is so short. Time just flies like that! You’ve seen so many people go to the grave.

As long as we’re here if you’re determined to spread happiness and joy to people around us, there’s nothing better. 

Take challenges head-on

Challenges come in life. Be determined to take on challenges. 

For example, the last World Culture Festival. The Green Tribunal said no building on the Yamuna Plain. We built a floating stage, so no hole was dug, but then the Tribunal told us to deposit five crores.

But some media started saying we’d been fined five crores. Damage wasn’t done. It was a deposit in case damage happened, so afterward, they could repair the place. 

My stand was, “Educate and ignore.” We educated people. Then, after many months, the report came out that no damage had been done.

We dismantled the whole stage. We found all the grass still there. We sent photographs. But big negative articles came out, and the positive one was a little column. 

So, such things happen, but why get stuck on that? Time will tell the truth. We need to have inner strength. Spirituality and growth give you the inner power to endure all tough times. 

Do the right things


Something you don’t want others to do to you, don’t do it to others. That’s ethics. 

A businessman has both a vendor and a customer. You don’t want your vendor to cheat you, so don’t cheat your customer. Similarly, you want youths to respect you, so don’t disrespect the elders. 

Be centered. Before you make any major decision, take a little time and a few moments of silence. That will help you to make the right decisions. 


Editor’s note:
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