Often, we think that the mind is inside the body. This is one of the biggest mistakes. It's a wrong notion. We think the mind is inside the body, but it's the other way around. Our body is inside the mind.
The body is inside the mind
Our mind is bigger than the physical body, about 12 inches around our body. That’s where your aura exists.
Someone doesn't have to tap you on your hand or shoulder to wake you up. They come close, even within 10 inches of you, and you wake up.
Even after getting a hand or leg amputated, the person still feels pain there, in the phantom hand or leg.
Doctors can't do anything! How can they treat someone who doesn't have a limb but has pain in that place?
The phantom limb pain is there because the subtle body still exists there.
The physical body part is gone, but the subtle body part remains. That's why phantom hand or limb pain comes in people who have met with accidents.
Meditation is making the subtle body stronger

Our body is inside the mind. Meditation is giving food to this subtle body and making it stronger. That's what meditation is all about.
The subtle body is like air, and space is like the self. The subtle, gross, and causal bodies are present in the self.
We have three bodies. One is the physical body, the gross body. The second is our subtle body, with emotions, impressions, and ideas. And then there's a causal body, even subtler than that.
The causal body is free from thoughts. There are no thoughts in the causal body. It's simply existence.
The causal body is bigger. The subtle body is grosser than the causal, and the physical body is grosser than the subtle.
Everyone possesses these three bodies.
Cycles and responsibilities of the bodies
The causal body is responsible for liberation and freedom. The subtle body is responsible for rebirth. The gross body is responsible for accumulating and relieving karma, getting rid of old karma, or getting new karma.
Our physical body is called karma's fruit, a previous action.
All these living beings come out of me [universe] and get back into me. Like the gross body gets back to the mud and becomes one with nature, the subtle body gets into the causal body, dissolves, and remains in the infinite consciousness.
That’s me. They all remain in me. So all lives get back to me and then come out of me again into expression.
Like the waves, they brush the shore and get back to the ocean.
Every expression in the universe appears for a while and dissolves back into the universe, only to appear again and again.
This cycle goes on and on and on.
Editor’s note:
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