
Gurudev and Dave Asprey Converse About the Keys to Life

Read (and watch) this lovely conversation between the “Father of Biohacking” Dave Asprey and global meditation master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Betsy Herman
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This is part of a conversation between Art of Living’s Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and Dave Asprey. Dave is a New York Times bestselling author known as the “Father of Biohacking,” and also the founder of Upgrade Labs.

Dave: You were the first person to teach me any kind of breathwork. But the first time I went to an event, invited by someone I worked with in Silicon Valley, I had a hard time relating to the robes, flowers, and candles. I thought it was too weird for me. 

About a year later, you worked with some senior executives at Intel in a language that I could digest. That led me down the path of doing this, and that's part of why I started the field of biohacking. You were kind enough to translate your work into words that I could understand. Would you translate your work now to say something to a struggling 20-year-old? 

Gurudev: We've created 57 different workshops. We have programs for kids in schools, youth in colleges, and CEOs and executives in the corporate sector. So we have tailor-made programs designed to suit those languages. 

Different generations communicate differently.

Dave: What's the biggest need in society that you've picked up over the last 40 years?

Dave Asprey and Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev: The need to calm down the violence. We all have to dream of and work towards a violence-free society. We want to give a better society to the coming generation. You met with me 20 or 30 years ago. There weren't so many violent incidents here in America. 

Today, people are so anxious. They're worried about going to the grocery store. They prefer ordering on apps. They prefer shopping from home and homeschooling for kids because there is violence in classrooms and gas stations. 

The culprits who do these things never got education in peace. They never learned how to manage their emotions or calm down. They were never exposed to a bigger dimension in life. 

We have been educating war veterans. 27 war veterans are taking their own lives every day in this country. That's so sad. We've already taught about 8000 veterans, and their lives changed. 

Students on college and university campuses learn from the SKY Campus program. That has made a difference. But still, what we're doing is a drop in the ocean. 

We have to do much more to train more teachers and volunteers. We all must work together.

Civic society has to condemn violence and educate young people on serenity, peace, and friendliness. Ask a child how many friends they have. They'll count them on their fingers. 

When you graduate, you hardly have a dozen friends with you. How are you going to deal with 8 billion people when you aren't friendly with a couple hundred classmates? 

Watch more here


Editor’s note:
To learn more about our pillar program, SKY Breath Meditation, check out our free breath and meditation online session with a live instructor. SKY has helped millions of people around the world improve all aspects of their lives. Learn how you too can benefit from SKY.

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