
Inner Wealth and Dynamism: How You Can Feel Abundance With a Big Heart

By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: October 10, 2019

What are you struggling for? For so many of us, our biggest struggles are financial. Common knowledge says that if you’re struggling for money, then do the hard work: and if one business or industry doesn’t work for you, choose another business and come at it from a perspective of passion

Don’t wish for miracles: make them

Miracles do happen, but if you crave miracles, then they’ll take a back seat. Nature wants you to be dynamic. There are people who have asked me, ”Guruji, please give me some numbers for my lottery ticket. I just want to win the lottery so that I don’t have to do anything. Just do sadhana all the time and some seva (service).” 

No way! First of all, decide what you want from life. You know, money is something that you’ll always find people short of. Always!

You can see for example, the richest country, the only super power on this planet is the USA, and it’s under heavy debt; trillions of dollars of debt. You take big companies; many of them are in debt. The richer a person gets, the more expenses need to be paid. At the same time, there are poor people who are contributing towards charity, poor people who take time to do service, which is amazing. These people feel so much abundance.

A beautiful example of inner wealth

I came down from the steps on the last day of our Silver Jubilee Celebration, and a small boy came running to me with tears in his eyes and gave me an envelope. I took the envelope and it had 5000 rupees in it. I looked at that boy and I asked, “What do you do?” 

He said he’s a laborer. The money in the envelope equalled two months of his earnings, and he said, “Please take this. I can’t tell you how much my life has transformed. Please accept this.” 

I took just 100 rupees from that envelope and returned back 4900. I told him, “You know this amount is so precious for me that it’s enough. I will take this.” Two months of his salary; a laborer who does manual work comes and offers this. Such a big heart!  

You don’t have to be wealthy to feel abundance.

In fact many rich people don’t feel abundance at all, they feel lack. They aren’t generous. But poor people are very generous. Don’t imagine a situation where once you become super rich, you’ll finally start doing some seva (service), no, nothing like that. You can feel abundance and give yourself in service at any point in time.

And the moment you start feeling abundance, you’ll see: things will get better!

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