Meditation for Sleep: Achieve Restful Sleep Effortlessly
Are you tired of being tired? Having difficulty falling asleep? You’re not alone. It is estimated that about a...

Can’t Sleep? Meditation and Ujjayi Breathing Can Help You
By Sejal Shah Difficulty falling asleep and having sleepless nights? Try this Ujjayi breathing (video included)...

Mastering Deep Meditation: Effortless Tips to Realize Inner Peace
Ask a child if they want a piece of chocolate or peace of mind,...

Are You Meditating or Sleeping? Understanding the Key Differences
If you are reading this, you have probably wondered if that deep...

Meditation with Music: A Guide to Reduced Stress and More Calm
If you have tried to sit for meditation unsuccessfully, some...

Manifestation Meditation: A Guide to Creating the Life You Want
Do you have dreams and desires for yourself that you’d like to see become reality? We all do, right?! Did you...

Benefits for Advanced Meditators: More Than Stress Management
What makes a meditator an advanced meditator? Is it solely the length of time a meditator has practiced? Does it...

Meditation for Anger: Learn The Secrets to Keeping a Cool Head
Anger is a natural phenomenon that everyone experiences at some...

SKY Meditation Benefits for Kids and Teens
A growing trend in risk reduction and positive youth development...

Meditation for Beginners
What is meditation? Let’s get you started with our ultimate guide...

The Power of Meditation for Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit
More and more people are turning to meditation for healing, and...

Learn How to Meditate With this Holistic Meditation Guide
Meditation has many benefits, including lower stress levels, improved emotional resiliency, better relationships,...

Meditation and Thoughts: Types of Thoughts and How to Manage Them
During meditation, you may often find the mind going very deep into itself, but then something brings it out. Thoughts...

How to Meditate Properly: 5 Tips To Make You an Expert Now
Topics covered:IntroductionHow to meditate infographicTaking...

Want a Masterclass in Deep Meditation? Start Your Journey Here
I started my meditation journey in 1972 at just 13 years old....

The Scientific Benefits of Meditation: Head to Heart, Body to Mind
Topics covered: Benefits of meditation infographic General benefits...