Breathing Exercises

Breathing Techniques: Gain New Tools To Transform Your Life!

Breathing techniques are powerful tools for well-being. Discover how to reduce stress & increase calm through the transformative power of your breath!

Angelica Jordan
breathing techniques

What was the very first act of your life?

~ ~ A deep breath in ~ ~

(This happened just before you cried).

And what will be the very last act of your life?

~ ~ A deep breath out ~ ~


& everything that happens in between…

Is what we call LIFE.


Breath is life. 

Every single breath is life-sustaining. Yet, we often overlook this simple act because it’s controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which means that it requires no thought.

But what if we were to consciously focus on breathing?

Well, keep reading ‘cause things are about to get fascinating!

What are breathing techniques?
deep breathing

Breathing techniques, also known as pranayamas, involve consciously controlling how we inhale and exhale to varying degrees or patterns. There are so many breathing techniques out there, and each will provide a unique host of benefits. For example, certain techniques can be used to calm the mind, while others will energize the body. 

A yogic espresso, if you will ☕

Choosing the right breathing technique—at the right time—will make a world of a difference with your breathwork experience. 

You wouldn't want to build up more energy in the middle of a panic attack, right?


Now, imagine each breathing exercise as a personalized (gentle) workout for your mind-body system. Just as different gym machines target specific muscles (think shoulder press vs glute kickback), each breathing exercise will also have a specific effect on your system. And much like regular exercise, consistent practice will always yield the best results.

Types of breathing techniques

If you’re feeling spontaneous, I really recommend checking out the Art of Living’s free #TryThisBreath journey. You’ll get to learn a new breathing technique over six days, and you’ll get to personally experience a wide variety of benefits from increased calm and focus to reduced stress and worry. You can check it out here.


What people are sharing:

"I tried the first breathing exercise, and it did everything it said. I felt a calming of my mind, which had become very difficult to feel over the last two decades."

Breathing techniques for anxiety

SKY Breath Meditation

If you could reduce your everyday anxiety AND clinical anxiety through the power of your breath…would you breathe it? 

If you answered YES, meet my ultimate life-hack: SKY Breath Meditation

Supported by numerous studies from institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford and published in over 100 peer-reviewed journals, the SKY Breath Meditation technique has helped reduce anxiety and stress for millions of people across the globe—including me. 

Check out some of these amazing stats:


And click here to learn more about the research.

What people are sharing:

"I really wanted something to help me with anxiety, to attain some type of peace. After doing the SKY technique, I just got so happy for no reason. And I hadn't experienced that in a long time."
- Jake M.

Breathing techniques for labor

breathwork for pregnancy

There are a wide variety of techniques to help manage the intensity of contractions during labor. Slow, deep breathing at the early stages of labor can help relax the body and mind. Once the active labor phase begins, a pant-like heated abdominal breathing pattern can help ease the pain and help the soon-to-be-mama cope with those stronger contractions. 

Breathing techniques for sleep

breathwork for sleep

What if you could improve your sleep by a whopping 218% simply by adjusting your breathing?

Insomniacs, beware because the SKY Breath Meditation technique could very well ruin your sleepless nights! Research has shown that quality of sleep can improve from the very first day of practice. And nope, that headline just above wasn’t a typo. Studies on the SKY technique noted that deep sleep cycles improved by 218% with regular practice. 

Check out this short video to learn more:


Breathing techniques for running

breathwork for running

Proper breathing is crucial for optimizing your runs. Whether you’re a casual jogger or planning a marathon, you’ll want to dial into the best breathing practice to uplevel your game. Synchronized breathing (where your breath matches your stride) can help maintain a steady pace—a great practice for long-distance running. For sprints, it’s best to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth to ensure proper oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion.

Breathing techniques for kids

breathwork for kids

How I wish I learned breathing techniques when I was a kid! 

I’ve had the pleasure of becoming a SKY Schools teacher, and I love how their programs integrate breathwork and meditation as part of the school curriculum. One of my favorite techniques is called candle breath, which increases focus and lung capacity while reducing stress.

Fun fact: In a recent SKY Schools study, students who practiced SKY Breath Meditation experienced an astounding 800% increase in honor roll at their school (!)

Breathing techniques for yoga

yoga pranayama

A commonly used breathing technique during yoga practice is called victory breath, also known as ocean breath or ujjayi in Sanskrit. This particular technique activates the vagus nerve, which calms the entire body and nervous system, allowing yogis to flow into the postures or asanas with more ease and peace of mind.

Breathing techniques for stress

breathwork for stress

Square breathing and straw breath are great stress-hacks for those unexpected stressful situations. 

But for me, the SKY technique is always KING. 

Studies have shown that cortisol levels can drop by up to 60% with SKY practice. I’ve personally experienced immeasurable improvements with my mental health and physical health, thanks to this powerful and deeply transformative practice. My baseline stress levels have completely shifted!

Breathing techniques for meditation

meditative breathing

The key to a good meditation experience is…

You guessed it!


By calming your nervous system with breathing techniques, you can quiet your mind and create an optimal inner space for meditation.

Those racing thoughts? 
They simmer down. 

Those outward distractions? 
They fade away. 

Those tingling legs? 
They stop bugging. 

It’s quite amazing when you think about it! 

What is a square breathing technique?

square breathing

Square breathing is one of the most commonly known breathing techniques. Also known as box breathing or 4x4 breathing, square breathing is used for managing stress. It also gets extra brownie points because it can be used anytime and anywhere, making it very convenient for those spur-of-the-moment life stressors.

Experience the power of science-based breathwork

Check out the Art of Living Part 1 Course to experience the evidence-based SKY Breath Meditation technique. Practiced by millions from over 180 countries, this rhythmical breathing technique will harmonize the body-mind complex. 

Reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep, a stronger immune system, and more energy levels are literally just a SKY breath away. Start your journey today!

Art of Living breathwork

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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