
Move Forward Into a New
Year and a Better World

It is generally on New Year’s Eve that people realize, "Oh! Another year has gone by!" We wonder for a few moments at the pace of time that flows by, and then again get busy. If one tries to go deeper into these moments of wonder, one would find there is an aspect of us that is a witness to all the events of time. This witness inside us is unchanging, and is a silent observer of all the change that is happening around us.

Keep moving

All the past events of our life sometimes appear to be nothing more than just a dream. Wisdom is becoming aware of this dream-like nature of life even as it is unfolding now. Knowing this brings tremendous inner strength, and the courage to be unshaken by external disturbances. At the same time, events have their own place in life. We need to learn from them and keep moving.

Whatever the challenge is - Do not stop your efforts

News and videos of barbaric mass killings by terror groups around the world have been a very disturbing development in the last few years.In some countries like India, people are actively uniting against corruption and misgovernance. The volunteers of Art of Living and many other peace organizations have been carrying out commendable work in places like Iraq. This shows that the amount of compassionate people still outnumbers the growing violence. This should also inspire the dormant citizens to spring into action and service.

Make your actions skillful and powerful

Whatever the challenges, we need to keep making efforts to create a better world. This is possible when we are established within ourselves. In you, there is an actor and there is a witness. As you go inwards, the witness aspect grows in you and you remain untouched by events. And as you go outwards, the actor in you becomes more skilful in responding to situations. These two entirely opposite aspects of our being are nurtured by meditation. When you come closer to the Self, your action becomes powerful in the world, and right action in the world brings you closer to the Self.

Happy New Year!

As the new year approaches, let us resolve to be unshakable within and move towards a better world. Time changes people, but there are people who change the time. May you be one of them. Happy New Year!

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