In response to a question from someone who had been cheated on and couldn’t let go of their jealousy, Gurudev shared the following:
Now, I tell you, wake up and see. What are you jealous about? The person you are jealous of is going to die one day. The person they cheated on you with is going to die as well.
Everybody’s going to die. You’re going to die one day too. When everyone’s going to die, what is left? How can you be jealous of anybody?
Pleasure doesn’t last
Your jealousy is mainly about relationships, fame, money, or some pleasure that another person is enjoying. Somebody else is enjoying a particular pleasure in life, and you’re not, so you feel jealous.
But how long can they enjoy it? A thousand years? No, my dear. They’re going to die. So just let them enjoy it a little bit before they die.
No pleasure is really a pleasure here. Every pleasure is a sort of pain. You’ve known that every pleasure only lasts a short time. Afterwards, it becomes a pain. Hasn’t this been your experience?
Any pleasure is pleasure for a little while, but afterwards it becomes a headache. The water is warm and nice only up to a certain temperature. If it gets a little hotter you can’t put your finger in it. It will burn.
What will you do?
So, wake up and see, everything in the world is vanishing. Almost eight billion people are alive on the planet right now. Eight billion people are having joy and pleasure. They will all die.
Afterwards, another eight billion, nine billion, or ten billion people will come into the world to take their place. Some will become rich and famous, only to die one day like everybody else.
Cleopatra was here walking on this planet. How many people were jealous of her? She died. Napoleon was here. Kings and emperors were here. What happened? They all died. Everybody dies. The most intelligent people die. The most beautiful people die. The man who is richer than the richest man on the planet will die.
So what is there for you to be jealous of?
Quiet the mind
Wake up and see that jealousy is a big illusion. It indicates how little we know about ourselves.
When you wake up and see the truth, you realize you’re going to die. So you die, and after your death, somebody else comes onto the planet and enjoys life for a little while. What is there for you to say? Just let them enjoy. This will allow the mind to quiet down. Transform the mind before the body is gone. That’s intelligence.
Editor’s note:
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