
What is Brahma Muhurta? Redefine Me-Time Before the Sun Comes Up

Waking up before the sun rises has a lot of benefits! And it's the ideal time for spiritual practices. Read to learn all about Brahma Muhurta.

early morning

There is a rhythm in nature. The sun rises and sets at a certain time according to the earth’s rotation and tilt. There is also a rhythm in our bodies. We feel hungry at certain times, and we get sleepy at certain times. And there is also a rhythm to our thoughts, emotions, and breath. Our whole life is filled with rhythms. And when we are in sync with these natural rhythms, our life blossoms in ways we couldn’t have imagined. 

Brahma Muhurta is one way you can align with these natural rhythms. Before the sun comes up, all of creation is vibrating with cosmic energy. This is the time of Brahma Muhurta, a time when any spiritual practice is enhanced because of the presence of this unique and auspicious life force. Read on to learn more about what Brahma Muhurta means and all the do’s and don’t’s for maximum benefits.

What is Brahma Muhurta?

conducive atmosphere
Brahma Muhurta literally means, the creator’s time! The creator, also known as Brahma in the Hindu faith, is the ultimate knowledge. Muhurta means time period. Brahma Muhurta is the perfect time to perceive the knowledge within us.

How to calculate Brahma Muhurta 

1 Muhurta equals 48 minutes. Brahma Muhurta starts exactly two Muhurta before sunrise. It begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. As we know that the time of sunrise differs with seasons and geographical locations, Brahma Muhurta also varies accordingly. 

For instance, if sunrise is at 6:30 am, then Brahma Muhurta starts at 4:54 am and ends at 5:42 am. Most weather apps can provide the exact time of sunrise where you live. Make sure you keep checking back as the weeks go by and the seasons change. 

Benefits of Brahma Muhurta

 deep meditation

Ayurveda says that waking up during Brahma Muhurta increases one’s lifespan and helps avoid diseases.

During the pre-dawn period, there is an increased availability of oxygen in the atmosphere, which has the following benefits:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Increases energy level
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • Productivity multiplies exponentially

Brahma Muhurta: Me-time redefined

 practice yoga

When you wake up in the morning, remember great people who have had a great consciousness. That will help you start your day with positivity. Your mind reverberates differently. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

If you are having difficulty finding time for yourself, Brahma Muhurta gives you the best opportunity for quality “me-time.” The benefits of being awake and aligned with Brahma Muhurta far exceed trying to carve out me-time after the world is awake and buzzing. Here are some of the best things to do during Brahma Muhurta.

Bathe and evacuate your bowels

First things first, shower and have your first elimination of the day. Try this breathing exercise, Kapalbhati, to facilitate moving the bowels if needed. 

Kapalbhati Pranayama  / Weigth Loss Breathing Exercise  - Art of Living Yoga


Brahma Muhurta is an excellent time to use pranayama (breathing techniques) to capture the higher levels of oxygen and subtle life force called prana or qi (chi). 


What better time to meditate than when the rest of the world is asleep? This is the time when your awareness level is at its highest. Meditation at this most auspicious time is more effective.

If you do not have a meditation technique, you can try this guided meditation, Repose in the Emptiness, by a master of meditation, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Read or listen to knowledge

According to Ashtanga Hridaya (an ancient text of Ayurveda), Brahma Muhurta is the most suitable time to perceive spiritual knowledge. Wisdom from ancient scriptures of any tradition is more easily assimilated during this time. It is also thought that studying scriptures during Brahma Muhurta helps ease mental problems. 

Be introspective

Recall your actions on the previous day. Recollect how many times negative emotions had an effect on you. Don’t let these memories bring any judgment against yourself. Just become aware of those moments. Doing this daily will eventually reduce the tendency to repeat negative emotional patterns. 

Practice yoga

Yoga asanas can be practiced at any time of the day. But Brahma Muhurta is the BEST time to practice yoga. This is especially true for the popular yoga sequence called sun salutations. Here’s a video so you can learn this amazing yoga practice.

Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskar/ Sonnengruß - Art of Living Yoga

Plan your day

The awareness level and freshness that Brahma Muhurta bestows on you makes it the perfect time to plan your day ahead.

What not to do during Brahma Muhurta

  1. Do not eat. Eating during Brahma Muhurta can cause illness.

  2. Avoid stressful activities. Don’t do too much mental work or anything which requires mental strain.

FAQs about Brahma Muhurta

mantra chanting

Who should and should not be awake during Brahma Muhurta?

According to the ancient text on Ayurveda, Ashtanga Hridaya, only a healthy person should wake up in Brahma Muhurta. The text also advises that some people should not wake up in Brahma Muhurta including:

  • Pregnant women
  • Children
  • Seniors who do not already have a long-standing habit of rising early
  • Anyone suffering from physical or mental illness
  • Anyone whose previous meal has not been digested (no bowel movement indicates an undigested meal)

If you don't fall in any of the above groups, you can wake up during Brahma Muhurta and reap all the benefits! 

Can I sleep after Brahma Muhurta?

Meditating during Brahma Muhurta fills us up with a lot of cosmic energy that can help us be more productive. Sleeping after it dissipates most of the accumulated cosmic energy. It is best to sleep early to get the rest you need so that you can work on something productive after Brahma Muhurta.

Is Brahma Muhurta a good time to study?

Brahma Muhurta is the best time to receive knowledge and energy. Studying is different.  Being with oneself, meditating, taking a walk, and being with nature are the best things to do before the sun comes up. Once you receive that energy and the sun rises, then studying will give much better results.

Can I exercise during Brahma Muhurta?

Brahma Muhurta is the ideal time to meditate and be with nature. Doing any strenuous work during that time should be avoided.

How do I reset my biological clock so I can wake up for Brahma Muhurta?

Paying close attention to your natural circadian rhythms can go a long way toward resetting your internal clock. Ayurveda has specific recommendations for all 24 hours in a day. These guidelines are called Dinacharya. Aligning with these natural rhythms will make it easier to acclimate to Brahma Muhurta. Other tips include:

  • Resist taking naps in the afternoon
  • Avoid eating for 2-3 hours before going to bed
  • Reduce screen time at least 60 minutes before sleeping
  • Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier each day

The ideal Brahma Muhurta technique

Out of all of the spiritual practices that you can do during Brahma Muhurta, without a doubt,  SKY Breath Meditation is the most powerful. SKY uses specific breathing rhythms for deep meditation which has a profound harmonizing effect on the entire body and mind complex.
To get a small taste of what SKY can do for you, join our FREE breath and meditation session online. You will learn more about SKY, as well as a breathing technique known for its energizing effects, and you’ll also enjoy a relaxing guided meditation.  
Click below and save your spot.

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Written with inputs from Dr. Anjali Ashok, Pundit Vishwajeet, and Vanditaa Kothari.

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