Breathing Exercises

The Nose Knows: BioHacking Energy Flow Through the Nostrils

Discover how you can biohack using one of the little-known secrets about your breath to regulate energy and take cues for what you should be doing next.

Denise Everheart
alternate nostril breathing

It seems like everyone is talking about biohacking! But this trendy topic has actually been around since the beginning of time. Ancient rishis (saints) were scientists from India who discovered innumerable ways to optimize health by using everything from herbs and food (through Ayurveda) to yoga postures, meditation techniques, and breathwork. These rishis were the very first biohackers!

Though many are familiar with the world of yoga postures and to some extent meditation and breathwork, there is a little-known secret about how the breath flows through the nostrils. Understanding the nuances of your breath opens the door to some of the easiest and most effective biohacking around! Let’s jump in!

Topics covered:

What is biohacking?

endorphin rush
Biohacking is basically anything you do to modify the biochemistry of your mind and body to increase energy and well-being. Though defining biohacking is fairly simple, the means can sometimes be quite complicated and can carry risks with self-experimentation. Generally safe biohacking techniques include:

  • Wearable technology like an Apple watch or Ouro ring
  • Gluten-free diet
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Cryotherapy and red light therapy
  • Balancing circadian rhythms with sun exposure
  • Yoga postures and other forms of physical exercise
  • Breathwork and meditation

But even among these, extreme practices can cause more harm than good. Moderation and taking the middle path gives the safest results. You may also want to consult your healthcare giver before incorporating biohacking techniques into your life, especially if you have a health issue.

Who’s biohacking?

Gurudev and Dave Asprey
Whether you’re totally into biohacking, or new to this concept, it’s fun to learn how we can maximize our energy and overall health. In fact, if you’ve taken supplements or exercised EVER, you are a biohacker! Who else is biohacking? Some of the more well-known, modern-day biohackers are Dave Asprey, Tony Robbins, Zac Efron, LeBron James, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, and Tom Brady. 

The nose knows

brain waves
Your nose can give you cues as to what you should be doing energetically. You can also use your breath to shift these energies giving you more control over your daily dynamics.

Nostril dominance

First, you need to determine which nostril is dominant– which by the way, changes throughout the day. Simply place your hand under your nose and exhale. You should be able to tell whether your right or left nostril is more open. If you’re not sure which nostril is dominant, close your eyes and keep breathing in and out with your hand just under your nose. No need to force your breath, just breathe naturally. It is also possible for your right and left to be balanced. But what does it all mean?

Right nostril dominance

restful night's sleep
If your right nostril is dominant…

  • It's a good time for physical activity
  • Eating when your right nostril is dominant means better digestion
  • It’s a great time to learn something new (if your left nostril is dominant you might want to read this later!)
  • Sleeping on your left side makes your right nostril dominant and will give you quality sleep and have you waking up more rested
  • Bowel movements will be more complete

Left nostril dominance

If your left nostril is dominant…

  • You will naturally feel more calmness and relaxation
  • It’s a great time to listen to music
  • Meditation happens more naturally
  • This is a good time to drink water
  • It may be difficult to focus
  • Sleeping on your right side makes your left nostril dominant and gives you poor sleep 
  • Bowel movements will not be complete, you will likely need to go again in 1-1½ hours

How to change which nostril is dominant

Watch this Instagram reel @artoflivingusa that demonstrates how you can shift your breath from being dominant on one side to the other! 🤯


How to balance both nostrils and abolish brain fog

Not only can you take cues from your breath through your nostrils, you can also balance your energy levels by accessing the subtle life energy, prana, when doing specific breathing techniques called pranayama. One such breathing technique is alternate nostril breathing. This breathing technique

  • Calms and centers the mind
  • Abolishes brain fog and improves cognitive function
  • Brings the mind to the present moment and out of the past (releasing old fears, regrets, and worries)
  • Helps improve the function of the circulatory and respiratory systems
  • Relieves stress and relaxes the body and mind
  • Harmonizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlate to the logical and emotional sides of our personality 
  • Purifies and balances the nadis (subtle energy channels) ensuring a smooth flow of prana (life force) through the entire body
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Helps to maintain body temperature
  • Helps to lower blood pressure (though not a substitute for medication)
  • Prepares the mind for meditation

Watch this video to learn how to do alternate nostril breathing. 
Add it to your daily routine and start enjoying these benefits.

How to do Alternate Nostril Breathing | Nadi Shodhan Pranayama | Beginners Guide | Stress Relief

Bonus tip from a meditation master

In a meeting with Art of Living teachers, meditation master, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, shared a big secret about the flow of the breath in the nostrils and avoiding car accidents!

“When you walk, check which nostril is open - right or left. Whichever side is open, put forward that foot first. If you get into the car after checking the nostrils and accordingly put that foot in first, you will never have an accident! This knowledge is in the shastras (ancient scriptures), they are all secrets that are not meant to be disclosed. But I say, reveal it and give it away to everyone.”

Gurudev also shared about food and drinks and dominant nostrils. “If the right nostril is open, you can eat food, if the left is open, you can drink water. If you do the reverse, you may fall sick. If someone eats when the left nostril is open, and drinks when the right nostril is open, they would have more chances to fall ill within three months - headache, backache, or any such ailment.”

A teacher in the group asked, “So what should we do?” Gurudev answered, “You should definitely do pranayama every day, even if it is for a little while. Also, do bhastrika (bellows breath) every day. Both are important.

My favorite biohack

As someone who has used various biohacks since 1972, I have to say that my favorite biohack, without a doubt, is SKY Breath Meditation! Using the power of breath for meditation has kept me more youthful, improved my energy level in general, and helped me manage the ups and downs of everyday life. SKY has made the most impactful changes in my overall health of any biohack I have ever tried.

To learn more about SKY, click on the image below and register for a free breath and meditation session. Spoiler alert: You will learn bellows breath. Think yogic cappuccino! 

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Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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