
Tension Headaches: Try Our Tips So Your Head Can Feel Better Today

No one has the time or energy to have a tension headache! Here are some practical tips to get relief right now! Prevention tips included.

Denise Everheart
tension headache

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When you ask someone with a tension headache a question, youā€™ll likely get a negative response. They are apt to snap or simply not be able to answer during an episodic tension-type headache.Ā 

Tension headaches, also known as stress headaches, are the most common type of headache and affect our ability to think, process, and respond to situations. Tension-type headaches also negatively impact our jobs and personal relationships. But it doesnā€™t have to be this way.Ā 

Read on to learn more, as well as how to treat tension headaches.

Frequently Asked Questions

chronic tension-type headache

What are some triggers that may bring on tension-type headaches?

The number one cause of tension headaches is STRESS. Here are some of the other headache triggers that can bring on a tension-type headache.

  • Dehydration
  • Hunger or blood sugar issues
  • Muscle tension in the neck area
  • Eye strain or too much screen time
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Jaw-clenching or teeth grinding or other dental problems
  • Overexertion
  • Smoking, especially excessive smoking
  • Head injury

How does a tension-type headache feel?

Typically a tension headache is felt on both sides of the head, face, or neck. These areas can also be sensitive to the touch. Many describe the headache pain like a tight band around the eyebrows, temples, and back of the head. Tension-type headaches typically range from mild to moderate pain levels.Ā 

How is a tension-type headache different from a migraine?

Migraine headaches differ quite a bit from tension-type headaches. Migraines are often accompanied by nausea or stomach pain, visual changes, and strong sensitivity to light and sound. Tension-type headaches typically range from mild to moderate pain levels.

Can I treat a tension-type headache without medication?


How do you get rid of a tension headache?

See our basic tips and next-level tips below for multiple ways to get rid of a tension-type headache.

How long do tension headaches normally last?

Tension headaches can last minutes to days. The longer a headache lasts, the more important it is to see a health professional.

What is the difference between a stress headache and a tension headache?

Stress headaches are the same as tension headaches.

When to see a doctor

worst headache

When your headaches become chronic tension headaches or when a severe headache is accompanied by any of the following, be sure to see your health professional to rule out more serious illnesses.

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Stiff neck
  • Double vision
  • Seizures
  • Mental confusion
  • Numbness
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Extreme sleepiness
  • Pregnancy

Tips to deal with a tension headache

Basic tips to prevent tension headaches

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Donā€™t skip meals
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Donā€™t smoke
  • Limit caffeine and sugar
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Get the right amount of sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Have good posture

Basic tips to treat tension headaches

  • Use ice packs or heat pads to relieve pain
  • Massage (especially where muscle tension is an issue)
  • OTC pain medications (short-term use)

Note: Keeping a headache diary could help you, and your healthcare worker, figure out a treatment plan.

Next-level tips to treat and prevent tension headaches

stress management therapy


This method is best when you are experiencing severe headaches or chronic tension-type headaches as the treatment involves multiple sessions over several weeks.


A simple biofeedback technique is to use a small thermometer (made especially for this technique) to increase relaxation fairly quickly. Hold the thermometer between your thumb and index finger (like the Okay sign) and mentally raise the temperature with the power of your thoughts. The warming of your hands tells your body to relax.

Breathing exercises

Three breathing techniques that are especially helpful for tension headaches are:

  1. Straw breath
    This breathing technique is one of the easiest to learn. It helps with stress, tension, and anxiety. Use it as much as you want and as often as you want for instant calm.

  2. Ocean breath
    Just like the name, this breathing exercise sounds like the ocean. Other names for this technique are victory breath, Ujjayi breath (in the ancient language Sanskrit), and Darth Vader breath.

    To learn and master this technique, take a SKY Breath Meditation course where you will learn three-stage breathing that uses ocean breath.

  3. Bee breath
    Sometimes called Bhramari pranayama, bee breath is highly effective in reducing stress and anxiety in the moment.


Guided meditations are an easy way to quickly bring relief from headache pain. Hereā€™s one led by global humanitarian and master of meditation, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


If you want to prevent headaches in the first place, try using either mantra-based or breath-based relaxation techniques.

Yoga poses

  1. Standing forward bend
    The standing forward bend invigorates the nervous system by increasing blood flow. It also reduces pain and calms the mind.

  2. Bridge pose
    The bridge pose nourishes the brain and reduces anxiety.

  3. Child pose
    Child pose calms down the nervous system.

  4. Cat stretch
    Cat stretch improves blood circulation and relaxes the mind.

  5. Downward-facing dog pose
    The downward-facing dog pose increases blood circulation to the brain. It helps to relieve tension headaches.

  6. Lotus pose
    Lotus pose relaxes the mind and can reduce headaches.

  7. Corpse pose
    Corpse pose rejuvenates the body by bringing it into a deep state of meditative rest. You can end the yoga routine by lying down in this pose for a couple of minutes. Incorporate a body scan for the best results.


SKY Breath Meditation

SKY Breath Meditation
You can prevent headaches and manage stress by using any of the stress management techniques above. But if you want a technique that takes little time to practice and gives results from day one, SKY Breath Meditation is the answer.

Research has shown that SKY practitioners enjoy as much as a 78% reduction in serum cortisol levels (stress hormone). Additionally, SKY practitioners experience many other benefits.

  • Significant decrease in clinical/non-clinical anxiety and depression
  • Greater mental focus
  • Enhanced deep sleep
  • Healthier blood pressure
  • Reduced addictive behaviors
  • Increased life satisfaction and joy
  • And moreā€¦

As a SKY practitioner myself, I can say that I rarely get headaches anymore. I used to take OTC medicines and use biofeedback and massage to manage headaches. Since learning SKY in 1995, my stress levels are so low that I cannot remember the last time I had a tension headache. In my opinion, SKY is really worth learning!

To get a taste of SKY, I invite you to attend a free breath and meditation session. Experience for yourself the power of your breath for deep relaxation.

Breathe Strong banner

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