
The International Women's Conference: Making a Global Impact by Empowering Women

Women have always been an unstoppable force of good in the world. Despite the injustices, inequality, and abuse we have faced throughout history, countless women have risen above, fought for what is right, and propelled humanity towards a more peaceful, joyful, prosperous future.

Because we have always been taught that the patriarchal mode of existence is the only way to succeed, many of us believe that in order to be powerful, we must reject any form of femininity within ourselves. But the world needs more of those classically 'feminine' traits – nurturing, peacemaking, creativity, leadership, love. We don't have to change anything about our inner nature in order to succeed. We can be assertive without being aggressive, strong without being cold, powerful without being destructive.

Women often devote much of their time, in both the personal and professional sectors, to nurturing and caring for others. In the United States alone, women make up 80% of professionals in the non-profit sector, 81% of public school teachers, and 94% of nurses. Additionally, over the last 15 years, the number of women-owned businesses have grown by 54%, and the rate of female entrepreneurs starting new business ventures is 1.5 times the average rate of other startups.

The current global climate is tense, and women's voices are needed more than ever. We have always been capable of affecting positive change, both within ourselves and in our communities, and now the time has come to stand up and share your story. This is a time to shed your fear, doubt, and insecurity, and to allow your divine purpose to move through you and into reality.

This February 23-25, women from across the world are gathering in Bangalore, India, to speak with, learn from, and inspire one another, with the goal of fostering a global culture of empowerment, peace, and growth. The Art of Living's International Women's Conference is in its 13th year, and has held 7 conferences featuring 375 eminent speakers, as well as 5,500 delegates from 100 countries and counting.

“Every conference had its own theme, the theme for this conference is “Life, a mystical journey”, says Bhanumathi Narasimhan, Chairperson of IWC. According to Bhanumathi, this conference aims to foster relationships that will last a lifetime, give you tools for empowering yourself and your community, and impart the confidence you need to take life by the reins and live to your full potential.


Art of Living believes in a two-tiered approach for empowerment. Before you can heal the world, you must heal yourself. By developing your own spiritual, emotional, and mental wellness, you become the most effective version of yourself, and can spread and amplify your message to your community and the wider world in a more meaningful way. By working on yourself, you are contributing to the healing of all of humanity.

This is why we include our Happiness Program in the schedule for the conference. The Happiness Program has changed countless lives by lowering anxiety, relieving depression, and teaching you how to master your own mind.

Along with the Happiness Program, the Conference includes sessions like 'Intuition, Innovation, and Creativity', 'Science and Spirituality', and 'The Delicate Art of Doing Nothing', as well as a session on finding your calling and learning how to pursue it.

Panel discussions include female leaders who've made their mark in everything from politics, arts, business, media, and academia. We'll discuss how the ancient knowledge of India is more relevant than ever before in a modern context, and explore changing attitudes for the next generation.

You will come away with practical tools for growth and empowerment, a renewed sense of self and community, and a reignited passion to do good in the world.

There is no such thing as an 'ordinary' woman – we are all extraordinary. We all have a unique purpose here on earth, and the goal of the International Women's Conference is to help you find and express yours, to move past the obstacles you feel are holding you back, and to help you fulfill your destiny.

"The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society."

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, The Art of Living

What does spirituality mean to you? Write us at blog@us.artofliving.org and let us know in less than 100 characters for a chance to be featured on the IWC Twitter account!

For more information, visit www.artofliving.org/iwc, or follow us on Twitter at @VoicesofIWC.

Paige Leigh Reist is a lifestyle writer, writing instructor, and the blogger behind thewholesomehandbook.com.

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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