Maha Satsang (13 May - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's 56th Birthday Celebrations)

May 07, 2012 to May 15, 2012
13 May 2012<br>8:30 pm IST - Ayushya Yagna<br>14 May 2012<br> 12:30 am - 1:30 am IST: Birthday Celebrations of Sri Sri, Canada<br> 2:00 am - 4:00 am IST: Satsang
Art of Living International Center, Maurice Region, Canada

May 13 

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's 56th Birthday Celebrations

Today’s message is that everyone one of you is a leader. You lead somebody somewhere. Either lead them on the right path or lead them astray. This is for sure that everyone is a leader. And if you have to lead everyone in the right path your life needs to be very pure, spotless. . . Read more


May 11

Devotion is like a diamond

Devotion is a gift, you can’t take mileage out of it, and you shouldn’t. If you take, then that is the way we start slipping out of mediation and out of devotion. Feel grateful for being devoted. Be like a child and let go . . .  Read more


May 10

A criticism should go with compassion and care

Love is something that you can never get rid of. It is your nature. Either it presents itself in its pure form or it presents itself in a distorted form. Either there is pure love, or pure love gets expressed in a distorted form. What are the distortions of love? . . . Read more


May 09

Being useful is the purpose of your life

In life there are two situations: One is when you are comfortable and happy. Another situation is when you are upset and unhappy. So what is needed to maintain this comfort and happiness is a willingness to do service. . . Read more


May 08

You don't need to learn anything

In ancient times, the Kings used to support those who would sit in Samadhi. Their job was to just sit in Samadhi for a few hours every day and create those beautiful vibrations all around. They were called Purohits – those who do good things, beneficial things for the society, for the town. They would chant everyday and sit in Samadhi and create an atmosphere of vibrant positivity. . .  Read more


May 07

Faith comes to play only at time of crisis

This whole creation is made up of one energy. Everything is made up of just one thing. Whenever anything bothers you, if you come back to this one principle - there is only one energy which everything is made up of, so there are a lot of possibilities; that brings great relief . . .   Read more