
Protecting Australian wetlands

Every plant or animal on this planet adds beauty and value to this creation simply by its presence. They are also part of an elaborate eco-system. Each specie is connected to so many others and the endangering of one affects the entire chain. An endangered specie is a direct indicator of the declining health of that eco-system. If we lose a specie, the loss is tremendous. Till date, we do not have the ability to create any new specie. The least we can do is to preserve the diversity that nature has given to us. As Human beings, the most evolved beings on the planet, it is our responsibility to help maintain and safe-guard the ecological balance. Elephants, rhinos and tigers are not the only mammals which face a threat of extinction. There are lesser known ones which need to be conserved through human intervention, the most evolved of all species. The Art of Living Foundation has taken a step towards that and has been working to revive some indigenous breeds of cows in India. It has also been involved in preserving the wetland species habitat in Lake Herdsman Regional Park, Australia.

Art of Living Part 1 course: Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being.

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