
Science and Spirituality: How You Link Your Experience with Knowing

By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: November 19, 2019

A participant asked, “Gurudev, science concerns itself with phenomena that are seen and observed, while spirituality has a lot to do with what happens behind the scenes. Those who are highly educated in sciences don’t acknowledge spirituality very openly, and those who are advanced in spirituality see science as incomplete. How can this gap be bridged?” 

Gurudev replied, “By dialogue. This was how we were educated, but today it’s much different.”

Neurosurgeons ask about God

He continued, “I was just in Mumbai. I addressed neurosurgeons from all over the world. We had a conference and I inaugurated the conference there.

I never expected a neurosurgeon to ask me a question about God. So we talked about consciousness and how it has many abilities, and what research has been done. Of course we at Art of Living have signed research on our intuition process with the Neurosurgeons’ Association of the World.

We have done that, but you know, they were all deeply interested in the phenomenon called God. ‘What is God and what is life? What is this universe all about?’”

The gap has already closed

“Today that gap which we used to feel is not there. Science and spirituality have come very close. Science has recognized the benefits of meditation, the benefits of chanting. For instance, how you chant something and what impact it has on the brain, how the dopamines and serotonin in your system get reduced, and the impact on the endocrine system of meditation or breathing. All of this has been established today. Nobody refutes the fact that we have a subtle body, a body of energy, and it’s very unique to everyone.”

Religion, science, and spirituality

“Religion and science are poles apart because religion says first you believe and then one day you will find the truth. But spirituality says differently. It says you experience now, and then if you want to believe or don’t believe, it’s up to you.

Science and spirituality have the same language, so there’s never a conflict. Whereas religion and science have different modes of operation. They’re completely opposite in their approach.”

Experiencing, believing, and knowing

“Science says first experience, only then you can postulate or you can believe it. Religion says you believe, then you say, ‘No, I want to know.’ Knowing is given more importance. 

If someone says ‘Do you believe in God?’ Then you have the answer in that very question. When you say you believe in God that means you’re saying you don’t know God. If you know, you don’t need to believe. Got it? If you believe that means you don’t know.

If you say, ‘I believe my scooter is parked there,’ then that means you’re not sure if your scooter is parked there. 

So if I ask you, ‘Do you believe your scooter is there?’ then you say ‘Why do I need to believe? I know my scooter is there,’ without the need to add a disclaimer to your knowing.”

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