In Satsang, there is music, singing, and knowledge. Singing or chanting happens in a space filled with music that could be classical Indian, jazz, or even rock. These songs are called bhajans and are sung in Sanskrit or sometimes other languages. Typically, bhajans are led in a call-and-response style, often referred to as kirtan.
Satsangs are not limited to any culture or geographical region. People from all cultures and traditions have used music to further advance their spiritual journeys. The Art of Living satsangs reverberate across more than 180 countries embracing every culture.
Satsang is a place where you can be yourself. It doesn’t matter if you sing off key, just sing! No one is going to judge you.
Satsang means to be in the company of truth. In the space of satsang, questions disappear, and wonderment dawns. Doubts drop, thoughts dissolve, and you return home to rest in your heart.
The journey from the head to the heart brings harmony, connectedness, and a sense of belongingness - the true essence of life!
Importance of Chanting:
The Journey into Silence
Compiled from several discourses given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Washington D.C., November 1989
Chanting has been an integral part of all religions through the ages. Sound is a form of energy. Chanting creates a specific energy pattern that soothes and purifies the nervous system.
Sanskrit chants in particular have a more profound effect on consciousness. It encompasses all sounds present in creation and therefore helps to interlink the whole universe. It is the oldest language known to mankind, and our consciousness is as old as the creation. So we are all familiar with Sanskrit at a deeper level of consciousness.
Our minds chatter constantly. It is not bad to have thoughts, but each thought has a pattern of emotions associated with it. Some thoughts we like, some we do not like. As the thoughts occur, a given pattern of aversion and resistance arises. The more a thought is resisted, the more it persists. Each persistent thought then transforms into a worry. Singing helps eliminate such thoughts. Though singing is a form of thought, it allows the mind to sink into itself.
As we sit together in one place, we all have different thoughts running through our heads. As we start to sing, there is one thought, one rhythm, in all minds. All minds become one. The oneness creates a profound energy that enlivens us, for the whole creation is connected, and we are all but one.
When singing, become fully immersed in the process of singing. If you feel like dancing, get up and dance! As the singing stops, a deep silence dawns. Allow short gaps between chants. Sink into the silence. You will hear the music of the silence. This is an eternal sound that has been with us through life and death. The purpose of music is to return to the music of silence- to return to the Self.
Jai Guru Dev
Thank you, Divine, for waking me up!
Basic glossary of Sanskrit terms
Bhajan lyrics by genre
Ganesha bhajan lyrics | Shiva bhajan lyrics | Guru bhajan lyrics | Krishna bhajan lyrics |Devi bhajan lyrics | Ram bhajan lyrics | Miscellaneous bhajan lyrics | Bonus video– Get ready to dance!
Ganesha bhajan lyrics
Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha (3)
Siddhivinayaka Sharanam Ganesha
Buddhipradayaka Sharanam Ganesha
Mangala Moorti Sharanam Ganesha
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Gam Ganapataye Namah
Gam Ganapataye Namah (4)
Ganapati Bappa Moriya Ganesha Om (2)
Gam Ganapataye Namah (4)
Ganapati Bappa Moriya Ganesha Om (2)
Ganesha Ganesha Sharanam (2)
Gam Ganapataye Namah (4)
Ganapati Bappa Moriya Ganesha Om (2)
Ganesha Ganesha Sharanam (2)
Ganesha Om
Ganesha Om Ganesha Om
Ganesha Om Gao Ganesha Om
Ganapati Bappa Moriya Ganesha Om (repeat)
Siddhi Vinayaka Ganesha Om
Lambodara hey Ganesha Om
Vishwadhara Ganesha Om
Mangala Moorti Ganesha Om
Moriya re Bappa Moriya re (repeat)
Ganapati Bappa Moriya Ganesha Om (repeat)
Moriya re Bappa Moriya re (repeat)
Shiva bhajan lyrics
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya Shiva
Shambho Shankar Umanath
Hara Hara Shankara Bhole Nah
Bole Nah Bhole Nah Hara Hara Shankara Bhole Nah
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo
Jay Jaya Shiva Shambo
Jay Jaya Shiva Shambo
Mahadeva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho Hare Hare
Mahadeva Shambho
Mahadeva Shambho Shiva Shiva
Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva Om….Hara Hara Hara Hara Om
Shiva Om
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Om
Hara Hara Hara Hara Om
Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya( 2)
Shiva Om Namah Shivay Namah Shivay Namah Shivay
Shiva Om
Bum Bum Bhola
Bum Bum Bhola (4)
Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Bum Bum Bhola
Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Bum Bum Bhola
Bholenath Umapate Shambho Shankar Pashupate
Shiv Shiv Shiva ~~ Har Har Hara
Har Har Hara ~~ Shiv Shiv Shiva
Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Shiv Bum Bum Bhola
Bum Bum Bhola
Shiva Shiva Shankaraya
Shiva Shiva Shankaraya (Shiva)
Shiva Shiva Shankara.
Shiva Om Namah Shivaya Shiva Om (2)
Hara Om Namah Shivaya Hara Om
Shiva Om Shiva Om
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva OM!
Shiva Om
Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara Hara OM!
Hara Om
Shiva Om Namah Shivaya Shiva Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva Om Shiva Om
Namastasmai Namastasmai Namo Namaha
Om Namah Shivaya
Gurave Satchidananda Moortaye
Namastasmai Namastasmai
Namastasmai Namastasmai Namo Namaha
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om (2)
Hara Hara Hara Hara Haraya Namah Om
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaya Namah Om
Om Namah Shivaya Shivaya Namah Om
Har Har Mahadeva Har Har Mahadeva
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damru Baaje
Dhimi kata Dhimi kata Mridanga Baaje
Dhimika Dhimika dhim Mridanga Baaje
Har har Mahadeva Har Har Mahadeva
Om Namah Shivaya
Bhole Ki Jai Jai
Bhole Ki Jai Jai Shivji Ki Jai Jai
Parvati Pate Shivji Ki Jai Jai
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damru Baje
Bholenath Shiva Shambho Bhaje
Kashinath Shiva Shambho Bhaje
Ghan Ghan Ghan Ghan Ghanta Baje
Bholenath Shiva Shambho Bhaje
Kashinath Shiva Shambho Bhaje
Shiva Raja Maheshwara
Shiva Raja Maheshwara
Jaya Shankar Shiva Shambho
Shambho Shambho Jaya Shankar Shiva Shambho
Shambho Shambho Shambho Shambho
Jaya Shankar Shiva Shambho
Shiva Raja
Shankar Shiva Har Har Shiva
Shankar Shiva Shambho
Shiva Raja
Jaya Shiva Shankara Shambho
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya (4)
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaya Namah Om
Hara Hara Hara Hara Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaya Namah Om
Hara Hara Hara Hara Haraya Namah Om
Om Namah Shivaya
Bolo Bolo Sab Mil Bolo
Bolo Bolo Sab Mil Bolo Om Namah Shivaya
Joot Jata mein Gangadhari Trishool Dhari Damaru Bajave
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaru Bajave
Goonj Utha Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya ( 3)
Guru bhajan lyrics
Guru of Joy
Jaya Guru Deva Guru
Jaya Guru Deva Guru Om Namo Narayana
Om Narayana Om Namo Namo
Satyananda Om Jaya Sadguru
Jaya Guru Deva Guru Om Namo Narayana
Guru Om
Ajo Ananthaya
Ajo Ananthaya Nithyaya Shuddhaya
Satchidananda Nanda Guru Om
Guru Om Guru Om (2)
Satchidananada Nanda Guru Om
Namo Narayanaya Hari Hara Shashi Shekharaya
Para Brahma Ananda Guru Om (2)
Satchidananda Nanda Guru Om
Narayana Hari Om/Only Fools Rush In
Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can’t help rising in love with you (2x)
Narayana Hari Om Satya Narayana Hari Om (2x)
Govinda Krishna Hari Om, Gopala Krishna Hari Om (2x)
Narayana Hari Om Satya Narayana Hari Om (2x)
Govinda Krishna Hari Om, Gopala Krishna Hari Om (2x)
Narayana Hari Om Satya Narayana Hari Om (2x)
Govinda Krishna Hari Om, Gopala Krishna Hari Om (2x)
Narayana Hari Om Satya Narayana Hari Om (2x)
Govinda Krishna Hari Om, Gopala Krishna Hari Om (2x)
Om Namo Guruve Namo (2x)
Guruve Guruve Guruve Namo (4x)
Om Namo Guruve Namo (2x)
Jaya Guru Om ( In your eyes I see)
Jaya Guru Om
Jaya Jaya Guru Om, Jaya Guru Om
Jaya Guru Om
Guru Om Guru Om Guru Om
In your eyes I see, In your eyes I see a love
A love that blinds me.
In your eyes I see, I see a love that blinds me
And when I’m with you, when I’m with you my dear one,
I feel complete.
Giving rest to my soul, giving rest, giving rest
To my soul.
Jaya Guru Om...
Om Namo Gurudev Namo
Tere Naam Ke Siva
Tere Naam ke siva Mujhe Kuch Bhi Yaad Nahi (2)
Guruji Guruji(4)
Sagar Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Leheron Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Dharti Mein Bhi Tu HI Tu Hi
Ambar Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Tere Naam ke siva....
Allah Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Jesus Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu HI
Buddha Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Krishna Mein Bhi Tu Hi Tu Hi
Tere Naam Ke siva.......
Devi bhajan lyrics
Jai Jai Bhavani Maa
Jai Jai Bhavani Maa Ambe Bhavani Maa
Ambe Bhavani Maa Devi Bhavani Maa
Devi Bhavani Maa Kali Bhavani Maa
Kali Bhavani Maa Durge Bhavani Maa
Jai Jai Bhavani Maa Ambe Bhavani Maa
Jagadambe Bhavani Maa Devi Bhavani Maa
Devi Bhavani Maa Durge Bhavani Maa
Atma Nivasi Maa Ambe Bhavani Maa
Hridaya Nivasi Maa Devi Bhavani Maa
Jai Jai Bhavani Maa Ambe Bhavani Maa
Satya Ma
Satya Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma
Ananda Mai Ma Ananda Ma
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma
Sri Guru Jai Ma Sri Guru Ma
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ananda Ma
Shakti Devi Ki Jai
Shakti Devi Ki Jai Bolo
Shakti Devi Ki Jai
Jai Jai Jai Jai Shakti Devi Ki Jai
Durge Jaya Jaya Maa
Durge Durge Durge Jaya Jaya Maa
Kali Kapalini Maa Jagadodharini Maa
Devi Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Maa
Durge Durge Durge Jaya Jaya Maa
Anand Sagari Maa Karuna Sagari Maa
Devi Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Maa.
Jaya Jaya Durge Maa
Jagado Dharini Mata Durga (Jago Jago Maa)
Jadado Dharini Mata Durga
Jadado Dharini Maa
Jago Jago Maa (3) Janani
Hey Gauri Devi Ranachandi Devi
Hey ShivaRamani Jago Maa
Hey Shiva Ramani Jago
Maa Jago Jagado Dharini
Maa Jago Jao Maa
Krishna bhajan lyrics
Om Namo Hari Narayana
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saves a soul, a soul like me…
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
Was blind, so blind, but now I see.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Radhe Govind
Radhe Govind (3) Bhajo Radhe Govind
Radhe Govind Radhe (4)
Radhe Radhe Radhe (2)
Radhe Radhe Shyam
Radhe... Radhe Radhe Shyam (2)
Govinda Gopala Radhe Radhe
Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam
Gopala Radhe Radhe Shyam
My Heart Keeps Coming Back to You ~ Radhe Govinda
Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare
Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Govinda Hare (X)
Narayan Narayan Jai Jai Gopal Hare (X)
Jai Jai Govinda Hare Jai Jai Gopal Hare
Narayan Narayan Narayan Narayan Narayan (X)
Jai Jai Govinda
Jai Jai Radha Ramana
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol (repeat)
Hari Bol (4)
Radhe Radhe Man Bole
Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol (repeat)
Narayana Hari Om
Narayana Hari Om
Satyanarayana Hari Om
Govinda Krishna Hari Om
Gopala Krishna Hari Om
Narayana Hari Om
Panduranga Jaya Vithalle
Panduranga Jaya Vithalle
Vithalle Vithalle (4)
Hari Narayana Narayana Jaya
Hari Narayana Narayana Om
Hari Narayana Narayana Hari
Hari Narayana Narayana Om Panduranga
Jai Jai Vitthale Hari Narayana
Jai Jai Vitthale Hari Narayana
Hari Narayana Bhajo Narayana
Bhajo Narayana Sriman Narayana
Purandhara Vitthale Hari Narayana
Panduranga Vitthale Hari Narayana (repeat)
Hari Narayana Hare
Hari Narayana Hari Narayana Jaya Govinda
Well it’s another end to another day, how swift they’re passing through.
And the sweetest moments that I’ve spent, my Sri Sri I’ve spent with you.
Hari Narayana (3) Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopala
Jaya Govinda Jaya Gopala
Jaya Jaya Krishna Krishna Hare (2)
Jaya Govinda (2) Jaya Gopala (2)
Hari Narayana
Well let’s sing this song of love today and share a laugh or two,
And let’s celebrate this simple joy that Guruji has brought to you.
Hari Narayana
Jaya Jaya Krishna Krishna Hare (2)
Hare Rama (4)
Hari Narayana
Govinda Bolo Hari Gopala Bolo (4)
Radha Ramana Hari Gopala Bolo (2)
Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai (4)
Radha Ramana Hari Govind Jai Jai (2)
Jaya Jaya Krishna
Ram bhajan lyrics
Shri Ram Naam Bolo
Shri Ram Naam Bolo (4)
Jai Jai Ram Siyaram (2)
Shri Krishna Naam Bolo (4)
Jai Jai Shyam Radhe Shyam (2)
Allah ka Naam Bolo (4)
La Illah Ill Allah Muhammad ur Rasul Allah (2)
Waheguru Vaheguru (2)
Waheguru Vaheguru (4)
Satnam Shri Wahe Guru
Jesus ka Naam Bolo (4)
God is One God is One
God is One for everyone (4)
Guruji ka Naam Bolo
Shri Shri ka Naam Bolo
Jai Gurudev Jai Gurudev (2)
Jai Jai Ram Siya Ram
Jai Jai Shyam Radhe Shyam
La Illah Ill Allah Muhammad ur Rasul Allah (2)
Satnam Shri Wahe Guru
God is One God is One
God is One for everyone
Jai Gurudev Jai Gurudev (2)
Jai Gurudev Jai Gurudev (2)
Om Shanti Shanti
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama
Rama Rama Rama Rama
Miscellaneous bhajan lyrics
Birthday song
Today is the day the wave remembers
The ocean where it was born
Today is the day we all remember
You are our very own
Yes, you are our very own
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear______
You are our very own
Yes, you are our very own.
Your Home is in My Heart
Your home is in my heart
— in my heart
And my heart is like the ocean
— like the ocean
I’ll rock you while you’re sleeping
— while you’re sleeping
On a wave of sweet devotion
— sweet devotion
Your home is in my heart
— in my heart
And my heart is very strong
— very strong
And when you’re feeling lonely
— feeling lonely
It’ll carry you along
— carry you along
Your home is in my heart
— in my heart
And my heart is everywhere
— everywhere
Wherever you may wander
— you may wander
Just know that I am there
— know that I am there
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om
Vasudevaya Vasudevaya Vasudevaya Om
Vasudevaya Vasudevaya Vasudevaya Om
We are opening up
We are opening up in sweet surrender
To the luminous Love Light of the Lord (2x)
We are opening. . . we are opening. . . (2x)
Bonus video– Get ready to dance!
Satsang, Seva, and Sadhana
In the Art of Living, we have three spiritual pillars: satsang, seva (selfless service), and sadhana (spiritual practices). Our flagship program, SKY Breath Meditation, is sadhana which combines breath and meditation together. A SKY practice is considered to be beneficial spiritually, as well as practically. Here are just a few of the benefits millions worldwide enjoy every day!
- Reduced stress
- Greater mental focus
- Significant reduction in depression and anxiety
- Enhanced deep sleep
- Healthier blood pressure
- Reduced addictive behaviors
- Improved respiratory function
- More life satisfaction
- Increased joy
- Inner peace independent of circumstances
- Expanded consciousness
To learn more about SKY Breath Meditation, take a little time to click on the image below for details on upcoming free breath and meditation sessions.