
The Benefits of Being an Introvert are Many: Here are 6 of the Best

By Rachel Snodgrass | Posted: August 20, 2019

I’ve heard it, too. 

“You are so shy!” 

“You’re like churchmouse over there!” 

“Oh, you don’t have to come, you wouldn't like it… too many strangers!”

But here’s the thing: we are living in a society that glorifies extroversion. It seems as if successful people are the ones who easily and effortlessly put themselves out there, making themselves heard. Being friendly and vibrant is an admirable trait, but introverts also have some great characteristics tied to their quiet, poised nature. Being an introvert is something you can be proud of.

In fact, being introverted might just be your best asset. Here’s why. 

1. Your calm nature puts people at ease.

Whether you realize it or not, your presence does not go unnoticed. Being the one who “takes it all in” in an upbeat environment is very calming to those around you. Your introversion is a comfort to other people, and they will subliminally remember your serene presence as well. 

2. Less talking = more observing.

Speaking less gives your mind the ability to take in and process what is around you, taking note of little details someone else might have missed. Being more present with someone and living in the now is great for your relationships. It’s almost impressive how much someone can miss just by thinking about what to say next, instead of just being.

3. You get to know yourself more.

Self-awareness is the key to serving yourself and giving your body, mind, and soul what it needs. Spending more time with your thoughts in meditation, and trying to understand what you are perceiving, will benefit you. It takes time to know yourself. This is something to be proud of, because not everyone can say they truly know who they are. 

4. You know how to listen.

Hearing someone is one thing; listening to them is another. Introverts are great at active listening. They tend to be engaged and observant about not just the words that are said, but they way they are said, and the body language that accompanies it. Communication is about so much more than just listening to words. Introverts have the active listening trait in the bag--which is likely the reason so many of us are the people our friends and family vent to when they just need to feel heard. 

5. You can be independent. 

For many of us, working alone was never a negative thing. In school, whenever the teacher would say “work independently or with a partner”, I happily went right on my way to completing my work all alone. From a young age, introverts are able to train that “independence muscle” that so many people lack. Now, as a 22-year-old working girl, with mindful self-reflection I can handle large projects by breaking them into pieces, working them out, and then presenting it to my team. I am observant and insightful when learning new things. 

6. It’s attractive.

Many introverts seldom boast about accomplishments. Modesty is such an attractive quality that is often brushed under the rug. This modesty is likely why many introverts thrive in human services fields, working for a cause, not applause. Think about how often you hear someone going on and on about what they have done, what they are doing, and what they are going to do next. While it is great to celebrate those achievements, keeping some things on the down low is such an appealing trait to have. 

It’s also important to understand the difference between introversion and fear: if you are hiding your beautiful self because you’re scared of what others might think of you, you are depriving both yourself of meaningful connections and others from enjoying the real you! Practices like meditation can help you overcome fears if any, make you emotionally strong and help you embrace your true nature, introverted or extroverted, and share it with others. Let your introversion be your strength and not weakness. 

Rejoice, introverts! Your shy nature is something to be proud of. Of all the successful introverts in the world (like Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, or Bill Gates), YOU are one of them. Embrace these qualities and accept them wholeheartedly.

Your introversion benefits you in more ways than you know.

“Silence is a source of great strength” - Lao Tzu

Rachael Snodgrass is a lover of coffee, rock walls, authenticity, and enlightenment. Holding a B.A. in Psychology, Rachael works in higher education, and in her downtime shares her thoughts on matters of the heart, the mind, and the spirit. 

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