What Sri Sri said today archive
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No Religion Preaches Hate
(Taking the call for peace to the middle of the conflict zone, renowned spiritual leader and founder of The Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addressed a peace conference in Erbil in Kurdistan, the violence hit province of Iraq. Below is the tran ... -
Peace Is Possible
I would request you to take some time and visit the camps to reassure the people there and bring back their smile. Yesterday, when I walked through a couple of camps, people said, ‘Today we are happy and are able to smile’. It was a very good meeting. Bri ... -
To The Farmers Of India
Today, many farmers from all over the country have gathered here at the Bangalore Ashram. A very warm welcome to you all! If the farmers of a country are happy and prosperous, then surely the people of that country too will be happy. A country whose farm ... -
You Make Your World
(Below is a continuation of the post To The Farmers Of India) This entire world is made up of vibrations, and we should see to it that these vibrations are Sattvik (positive and uplifting).When a doctor is good and treats everyone well, we generally say t ... -
There’s No Room for Guilt
(Below is a continuation of the post You Make Your World) Gurudev, I have been a teacher for many years. I see in myself and other teachers that we don’t always practice the basic course points and it disturbs me to a point that I feel a bit of a fraud wh ... -
Truth Stands The Test Of Time
Gurudev, this gross material world appears to be real, but it is actually unreal and temporary. It also appears to be full of misery and suffering. How can an object be both true and untrue at the same time? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have rightly said tha ... -
Expanding Your Awareness
(Below is a continuation of the post Truth Stands The Test Of Time) Gurudev, sometimes it becomes a burden to even remember knowledge. How can we take the knowledge we receive from manana (to ponder over again and again) to nidhidhyaasa (complete assimil ... -
Is That Really You, Who You Think You Are?
Gurudev, you mentioned that the trick is to cut the connection between thought and me. What makes us feel that the thought is mine? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In Sanskrit this is called tadatma (identification).When you are watching a movie you are so identifi ... -
Bring An End To Cow Slaughter
Mr Gopal here really lives up to his name – ‘Gopal’ (another name for Lord Krishna; also meaning one who takes care of the cows). He is so dedicated towards the cause of safeguarding the cows.I have been wanting to come here since a very long time, but so ... -
Give Miracles A Chance
There are three components in life:1. Effort. Without your self-effort, nothing happens. So you have to put your effort. Will everything happen only through your effort? No.You make an effort and sow a mango sapling today and you want the fruit of it to ...