World Health Organization (WHO) Conference

October 06, 2009
Central, Sri Lanka

Gurudev addressed the issues surrounding mental and physical health. He spoke about how in the East over 5000 years ago, there was a concept of social well-being, where you are healthy only if you are happy mentally, physically and socially. He also expressed shock that nearly 30% of Europe suffers from depression and Doctors predict the number to raise to 48% in the coming decade.

“Mental well being to me is improved perception, improved observation and improved expression. Like, the body grows from the time you are born to the age 21, 22 and then the body starts deteriorating, our mental age, our mental well being should grow

simultaneously from childhood we need to keep improving our perception, observation and our expression this has no age, usually psychologists say 50 or 40 it stops, at middle age our mental observation, expression starts deteriorating. I say if you are practicing yoga or meditation this doesn't happen. There is no decay of your mental well-being”.