What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Wisdom Is Key To Freedom

    (Below is the continuation of the post Putting Wisdom To Work) You have done all that you wanted to do; you have achieved. You got everything, and whatever you want also, you are getting, then what next? This is a question that sometimes comes up. If it c ...
  2. There Is No Escape From The Guru

    You can’t escape from having a Guru, or being a Guru. Everyone has to realize this, that there is no escape, or no way out. There is a proverb in Sanskrit that says, ‘I first salute the wicked because he is teaching me by falling into a pit. He has warned ...
  3. Don't Get Stuck In Small Things

    Below in the continuation of the post There Is No Escape From The Guru) There are many dimensions in life. Let’s work with this dimension properly, when you are totally relieved from this dimension, or fully satisfied in this dimension, then the other dim ...
  4. Sri Sri's Message On Guru Purnima 2016

    Every human being comes to this planet with a sub-conscious, unconscious and conscious mind. As the conscious mind starts becoming more active, learning begins. And the presence of Guru is essential for any learning. The Guru’s presence continues througho ...
  5. Qualities Of A Blossomed Consciousness

    Dear Gurudev, what is devotion and how is it that some people have it and some people don't? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, I would like you to take these two words away from your dictionary - surrender and devotion. Both these words are very confusing. Th ...
  6. Pain Is Inevitable But Suffering Is Optional

    (Below is a continuation of the post Blossomed Consciousness) Gurudev, what is the role of pain in personal and spiritual transformation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional; you have heard that before, right? Pain is nothing b ...
  7. How Celebrating Our Differences Brings Us Together

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Key To A Happy Life) In our World Cultural Festival, there were many challenges, many things seemed impossible. One was the seven acre stage that had to seat 8,500 artists. All the artists had to sit at different ...
  8. The Key To A Happy Life

    My goodness, look at all the decoration that has been done! I think you all get bored looking at me, so you want to look at something more. This decoration is for all of you to look at and enjoy; it is not for me, your smile is good enough for me. Cooking ...
  9. Why Confidence Is So Important

    How do we deal with financial loss? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Observe what happens when you have a financial loss, or a big sense of loss. Something happens in your stomach. You feel, ‘I earned something with so much effort, and it is gone!’ Sometimes, it is ...
  10. International Yoga Day- 2016

    I would like to thank the United Nations for declaring 21st June, the longest day, as World Yoga Day. Special thanks to the Prime Minister of India, who has mooted this resolution and made an extra special effort to bring yoga to the mainstream population ...