How is spirituality going to combat materialism, separatist tendencies, corruption and criminality in the coming generations?
Do you know the reason for criminality to exist? It is because of stress. And what is the reason for stress? It exists because people want to achieve a lot with very little energy and even lesser time. This creates stress and misunderstanding. They have never been taught how to meditate, how to be peaceful and how to find joy within themselves. It is in the search of joy that people engage in criminal practices. It is in the search of happiness that people are becoming corrupt. That is why education and growing up in good culture is absolutely essential.
See, you are brought up in a certain culture. At home people have taught you decency and good behavior. Just imagine another house where children have never been taught all that. Parents were always fighting with each other. They were throwing cups and knives at each other. What kind of samskaras (habits or tendencies) would this inculcate in children? They will get the same samskaraas. They will go out and throw plates and stones at each other.
If you are brought up in an environment where you are taught, “Violence is shameful”, then you will not indulge in violence. But if you are taught, ”Take pride in violence. More violence makes you a macho man”, then you will indulge in it.