My partner cheated on me. When I confronted him, he says, ‘You do not possess me'. What to do in such a situation?
You know why they cheat on you? It is because they value your love and are afraid of losing your love.
Whenever someone close to you tells you a lie, it is just because love wins over truth. If truth wins, it is afraid of losing love. So why a person lies is because they do not want to lose the love of the other person.
When someone is cheating on you and their mind is going towards someone else, what do you do? Just pray, have patience and understand their mind. Give them three warnings, and even then if they don’t listen, then take some drastic steps.
We have created a mediation cell in almost every big city court. When such cases come up and when the couple speak to our teachers, they help in conflict resolution. Our teachers talk to them and make them understand life from a bigger context. Then suddenly they patch up.
The Chief Justice in the High Court in Delhi told us that 80% of the cases that are sent to the mediation cell are all getting resolved by The Art of Living volunteers. It’s a welcome news.