Dear Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna shows his Vishwaroopa (Supreme transcendental form of the Lord) to Arjuna, and thus he gets to experience the Divine. Yet, even after seeing the Lord’s supreme form, Arjuna is not get convinced and Lord Krishna has to prod much more before finally giving up and telling Arjuna to drop everything. How come even after having the experience, Arjuna could not understand?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, I have no idea. Perhaps Arjuna wanted to play the role of the dumbest student so that even the dumbest person can understand this sacred and divine knowledge. Otherwise, the Bhagavad Gita would not have taken so long. It would have finished in just a couple of verses. It is because Lord Krishna knows that people need this knowledge that he had to speak in so many ways and so many languages for people to understand.