Dear Gurudev, I want to win a minimum of 10 million Euros from the national lottery. I will give 90% to different Art of Living projects. Please somehow send me the correct lotto numbers to make this happen.
If you want to donate 90%, then you should work hard and earn that money. That’s a better way to do it. Don’t look for easy money. Easy money will go away easily as well.
There is ethics in spirituality also. If the coach himself is playing the game, what will the players do? The coach has a role to play. So, don’t ever expect me to give you the numbers of a lottery ticket.
It is good that you have a sense of humor, that is needed. We should have a sense of humor and not take things too seriously. So if you are dreaming of it, you will get it in the dream only. A dream wish will come true in the dream only.