Dear Gurudev, congratulations for the meeting with the FARC in Cuba and their resolution to adopt non-violence. Is there a way that you can also approach Hamas leaders from Gaza to inspire them to do the same, as well as Israeli government members?
Yes. You know, when politics gets involved, somewhere sincerity disappears and ambition steps in. In some places, people are happy that there are conflicts, because conflict is a cash cow for them.
Many people don’t want world peace! Or else what will happen to their arms market? Developed countries have a lot of arms and ammunitions, if there is world peace, they will have to shut down the huge factories! For them, it is necessary that some conflicts happen so that they can sell their weapons. This is the bitter truth. You must know this.
It’s like the toddy business in India. The government encourages people to drink and get addicted to alcohol because it is a source of revenue for them. And what happens? People drink and drink and they become addicts to alcohol and their families suffer. Who suffers? The women folk suffers.
Peace is not that easy. It is very complicated. That’s why I say that leaders and decision-makers should start meditating.
This time on World Yoga Day when I taught world leaders meditation, you know what the United Nation people, including our Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said? He said, "We need to do this every day before going to negotiations. We feel so good after meditation".
It was the first time that many of them had meditated. They said, "We feel completely different. So fresh. We should do this regularly".
Meditation is essential when you want to make an important decision which affects millions of people.
A journalist from Colombia asked me, "How come the FARC listened to you and agreed to ceasefire? Big powers such as America, Norway, failed to get them to declare ceasefire. What did you say?"
I said, "It is not what I say but what I am that made a difference!"
So, if you are sincere, people recognize that and that makes all the difference. It is not the strategy but sincerity that makes a difference because the world moves with energy, and it is this positive spiritual energy (of sincerity) that uplifts the other. When you have positive and loving energy in you, that brings a difference to the world. Do you see what I am saying?
There are peace conferences where people keep on talking and talking till you get headache from listening to them. So exhausting! I have visited many of these conferences, and now I decided - no more such conferences! If I go to a conference, I am going to give my talk and get out of there, I am not going to stay and listen! It is so tiring. People only talk. How many of you have experienced this in conferences? (Many in the audience raise their hands)
The conferences that The Art of Living organizes are much different, whether it is our International Women’s Conference, or our Corporate Culture & Spirituality Conference. People say it is different. Why? We ensure that it is done with positive, sincere energy, and meditation is part of our program. That makes the difference.