Gurudev, I am a Sikh girl and I wish to marry a Jain boy. But my father says that Sikhism is the best religion and that I should not marry outside my religion. He also says that I have betrayed my religion by joining the Art of Living. What do I do?
No, there is nothing like that. Just ask him patiently, why he is in so much ignorance? Ask him why does he misunderstand so many things despite having come to the light of the Guru? It means he has not correctly understood the teachings of Guru Nanak Devji. Ask him to read the complete Guru Granth Sahib once again. It is so wonderful. There is such deep Self-knowledge, and it also speaks about self-determination.
Jainism also has these main principles in it and promotes non-violence, the quest for the highest truth, etc. If you observe keenly, Sikhism as a religion is the coming together of 15 truly great saints. The teachings of 15 great saints have been incorporated into the Guru Granth Sahib. The teachings of Kabir Das are also present in it, even though he was a Muslim saint. These great saints had evolved Sikhism in order to bring an end to the discrimination based on caste and race. The word “Sikh” means shishya (a student; here meaning one is who is always learning and evolving). So tell your father, “Dear father, you seem to have forgotten these great virtues. Please read the Japji Sahib and Guru Granth Sahib once again. The Gurbaani in the scripture that speaks about bringing an end to religious discrimination and casteism".
The entire essence of the Vedas and the Upanishads is present in the Guru Granth Sahib. In the Japji Sahib it is said, “Ek Omkar satnaam kartapurakh”, meaning that Omkar represents the One Divinity present everywhere.
Jainism and Hinduism too have the same belief and speak about Om. Where is the difference among them? It is just a matter of wrong perception or misunderstanding. There is no difference or separation at all. So tell your father, “We also believe so greatly in Om, just like the other religions as well”.