God gave darshan (visitation) to saints. Can you please tell us more about this?
Yes, the consciousness is a field of all possibilities. When something happens in the gross, it is because there is something happening in the subtle field also.
There are three levels of consciousness; the gross body, the subtle body and the causal body.
At the causal body level, there is only one light, one formless divinity.
At the subtle body level, there are angels, devis, devatas, and asuras.
At the gross level, there is all that you can perceive through your eyes, and ears.
When our consciousness alters, one can access the subtle realm of the universe. I have spoken about the levels of consciousness or spirits in Kena Upanishad and Kato Upanishad.
Darshan is always from the subtle level only. It is not on the causal level, at the causal level, there is no two.