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  1. Ignorance Of Your Capability Can Expand You!

    Always know that the Divine never gives you a responsibility you cannot fulfill. Nobody ever expects you to treat them if you are not a doctor. Nobody will ask you to fix their wiring system if you are not an electrician. Your responsibility is only what ...
  2. Love Is The Shadow Of The Self

    When you love something, you have a sense of belongingness with it. You can only love something, because it is belongs to you. If it is not yours, you cannot love it. Love is the shadow of the Self. The bigger the Self, the bigger the shadow, and the bigg ...
  3. Are You A Tourist Or A Pilgrim?

    What is the difference between a tourist and a pilgrim? Both are on a journey. Whereas a tourist is satisfying the senses, a pilgrim is in the quest of the truth. A tourist gets tired and tanned, while a pilgrim sparkles with spirit. Every move a pilgrim ...
  4. The Problem's Solution

    Whenever there is a problem we either deny it saying there is no problem or sit to solve the problem and make it a big issue. Neither of these help. A problem does not disappear when you deny it. And it does not get solved when you sit to solve it. The 5 ...
  5. Sacredness and You

    Throughout the ages, in all cultures, place, time, persons and symbols were all considered sacred. Whenever you consider a symbol, place, time, person or act sacred, your attention is undivided and whole. When things are ordinary and same, you tend to sli ...
  6. I Am God

    It was thought that to say, "I am God" is blasphemy. I tell you, to say "I am not God" is blasphemy! When you say, "I am not God," you deny God of His omnipresence. You are made up of love. If you say, "I am not God,&quo ...
  7. To Say Sorry Is A Good Mistake?

    Often, in establishing your righteousness, you are insensitive to othersÔ feelings. When someone is hurt, arguing with them and establishing your righteousness will be in vain. By saying a simple "Sorry", you can uplift the other and take away t ...
  8. Kick the Ball and Be in the Goal

    Do you know why the earth is shaped like a globe? (Silence) So you can kick it and it will roll away! (Laughter) From the moment you wake up in the morning you are always with people and your mind is caught up in worldly thoughts. So sometime during the d ...
  9. Worship – A Sign Of Maturity

    For a flame to rise, you need space above it. In the same way, for a man to rise up in his life, he needs an ideal, he needs something to adore and worship. What is Worship? Worship is the culmination of love and appreciation. In worship, a sense of belon ...
  10. Longing Itself Is Divine

    Longing itself is Divine. Longing for worldly things makes you inert. Longing for Infinity fills you with life. When longing dies, inertia sets in. But longing also brings along a sense of pain. To avoid the pain, you try to push away the longing. The ski ...