Wisdom Search

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  1. With Whom Are You At Ease?

    With whom do you feel really comfortable and at ease? You feel comfortable with someone who does not question your love, someone who takes for granted that you love them. Isn't it? If someone doubts your love and you constantly have to prove it, this ...
  2. his is my first meditation course. So far, it’s much better than I expected. I am worried because I would like to meditate all the time. What should I do?

    his is my first meditation course. So far, it’s much better than I expected. I am worried because I would like to meditate all the time. What should I do? ...
  3. What to do if you love someone but the other person doesn’t love you enough?

    Do not ask them “Do you really love me?” Instead, ask them “why do you love me so much?” Tell them they love you too much and “I think I don’t deserve this.” You have to go on this trip and do everything with style. Any problem in life should be handled wi ...
  4. Change and Love

    There are some who are longing for change. Feeling that everything is stagnant in their lives, they want to change partners, careers, dwellings. And there are some who are scared of change. They feel secure the way they are. There are some who see the cha ...
  5. Love and Renunciation

    Only one who has renounced can truly love. To the degree you have renounced, to that degree you have the ability to love. Often people think those who renounce cannot love, and those who love cannot renounce. This is because so-called renunciants do not s ...
  6. Authority and love

    Mistakes keep happening all the time. Often you get irritated by them and want to correct them. How much can you correct? There are two situations when you correct others’ mistakes: 1. You correct someone’s mistake because it bothers you. But even if you ...
  7. Love

    Do you love someone, because they are great or unique?I tell you- you are hopeless! Why do you love someone? Is it because of their qualities or is it because of a sense of kinship or intimacy? You can love someone for their qualities and not feel a sense ...
  8. The Five Insights

    Love is your nature. But in the process of its expression, you often get caught up in the object. This is when your sight is caught outside. To return back to your nature, you need insight. Pain is the first insight. It takes you away from the object and ...
  9. Love is your very existence

    Suppose someone shows a lot of love to you, what do you do? Often you do not know how to respond You feel obliged and bound Shrink or shy away Feel foolish and awkward Try to reciprocate even though it is not genuine Doubt the love expressed and ones own ...
  10. Your expressions of love

    You feel a lot of love for someone and they do not take it. What do you do? Get frustrated Turn the love into hatred and wish for revenge Again and again remind them how much you love them and how little they love you Become fussy and cranky Throw tantrum ...