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  1. Question asked by Maharajji: All sages and scriptures have said that the greatest beneficence of human existence is the attainment of God, and God realization is the doorway to communion with the soul. Now the soul is already present and yet, in a sense unattained. So how can this impression be erased?

    When the mind is outwardly focused, it cannot recognize the soul. It is not aware of its own existence. For instance, when we are looking around at others, we lose awareness of our own body. We are not aware that we are breathing when we are looking outsi ...
  2. Gurudev, how to implement ‘sampoorna sharanaagati’ (total surrender) in day to day life? How to be conscious while doing daily tasks? That ‘I’ factor is there.

    Let it be there. Don’t worry. Don’t try to erase your ego; if you find your ego sticks, never mind, let it be there. Keep it in the pocket or your handbag. ...
  3. Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sept 6,2011

    The transcript of this satsang will be added soon... ...
  4. Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Sept 5,2011

    The transcript of this satsang will be added soon... ...
  5. Gurudev, sometimes I feel connected with you but sometimes there is link failure. How it happens and why it happens? My son got blessings from you and has become mad about you. And my wife says you are taking him on the same path on which you are going, it will ruin our family. What is the result for it?

    No, we never take anybody or tell anyone not to listen to their parents. Our main thing is listening to your parents. Don’t worry about it, he won’t run away from the home. (Q: What about link failure?) – Charge your batteries! You know for a cell phone t ...
  6. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    You know whatever situation you have you can make that situation as a step for your growth. Pleasant situations you can definitely make use of it for growth. Unpleasant situations also you can make use of it as your next step for growth. ...
  7. Gurudev, sometimes I feel connected with you but sometimes there is link failure. How it happens and why it happens? My son got blessings from you and has become mad about you. And my wife says you are taking him on the same path on which you are going, it will ruin our family. What is the result for it?

    No, we never take anybody or tell anyone not to listen to their parents. Our main thing is listening to your parents. Don’t worry about it, he won’t run away from the home. (Q: What about link failure?) – Charge your batteries! You know for a cell phone t ...