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  1. Gurudev, there is a new problem in my life because of Facebook and Internet. My wife gets upset when she sees female friends on my friend list, but when my wife makes male friends on the net, she does it without any hesitation. How to tackle this?

    Well, you know I have no experience to handle these situations. You must ask your friends only, they may give some ideas. Or why not ask your own wife? Ask her how to solve this. You know, there is a proverb, ‘give the keys to the thief and make the ...
  2. Why do we need to choose a life partner Guruji? Life would be much simpler if we loved everyone or no one.

    Now, tell me what is your trouble? Do you have a partner or not? Then I will tell you. Or someone whom you are seeing, your girlfriend is asking you to choose and marry?! I know what is happening! You cannot ask me indirect questions and use it. (Laughter) ...
  3. Gurudev, often I have observed that God gives me all worldly things without fail, but in case of self-realization, why is it that I am being ignored and denied by the almighty? Why the wait?

    No, you are never denied that. Almighty never denies you self-realization. Keep doing your sadhana, keep doing seva. And in advance course you understand, when you sit in silence and when you say ’I am’ in the ‘I am’ meditation, you see everything is ...
  4. Guruji there are many different sadhanas, many practices, poojas, asanas, meditations, chantings, and prayers. How do we know which one is the best and when?

    Meditation is best. Everything has its significance. Everything has its own value, but in meditation you become so quiet, you become so deep. That uplifts you and brings value to chanting, to pooja, and to everything. Service and everything becomes mo ...
  5. Dear Guruji, when things go great in one’s life, how to keep the simplicity and humility?

    Trying to keep simplicity becomes a problem. Just be natural and that is it. And do seva. ’Sukh mein seva aur dukh mein tyag.’ If you tell a sad person to do seva, he would not do. When someone is sad or upset, if you ask them to do seva, they c ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the significance of ‘deep’ pooja on full moon day?

    The ancient tradition is either full moon or new moon is a celebration, and in a celebration we light a lot of lamps. This is done even today. Whenever you see that there is a celebration, you put a lot of serial lamps and serial lights, is it not? Al ...
  7. Gurudev, the season is changing once again. Can you please tell us the importance of ‘Ahar Vihar’, food and lifestyle to be maintained with every season. How does it impact us?

    Ancient people have done a lot of research on that. Also the modern nutritionists have done quite a bit of research, and if you go and Google, you find a lot of things on what to eat in this season. Today all knowledge is available on the fingertips, corre ...
  8. God resides in hearts that are full of devotion

    Mahasatsang at Madanpur, Bihar You (referring to Naxalites) are not having a party there in the forest. You empathize with the poor and feel for them. We are all with you but don’t resort to violence. Leave the gun, come forward. We will vote for you and b ...
  9. Deep meditation is like being nothing and being nobody

    As a mother, how can I make my children more creative and less of information junkies? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: More human interaction. Allow the children to play with more kids. Get them to do some service activities. Make them do some work and make them mix ...