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  1. Dear Guruji, for the sake of love are we to sacrifice everything including our identity, morals, etc?

    Vivek (discrimination) is essential here. Love is not an emotional thing. Sometimes people think I am so devoted I should get this privilege; I should get to sit right in front. I should get the privilege to do this my way. That is no good. Love ...
  2. What is a living being and what is a soul?

    The living being is a wave, the soul is the ocean. ‘Eeshvar ansh jeev avinaashi’, the living being is a part of God. ...
  3. Gurudev, people say that love is the union of two hearts. Then why is there a need for marriage? Is it to please society?

    Once two hearts unite in love, they don’t want to stay apart and that is called marriage. When they live together, they multiply into three, four or five hearts! Those three, four or five hearts need the two hearts; hence the institution of marriage came i ...
  4. Gurudev, I used to lose my temper so easily. But now it has stopped altogether. When my work does not get done, I do not react but when I get back home I look at your picture and get upset at you.

    Doesn’t matter. You are expressing your frustration in the right place and to the right person. That is a safe place; so safe that it won’t bounce back. ...
  5. Science says that the sun is a planet. Then in the Mahabharata how did the sun father a son called Karna. Please shed light on this.

    The son of the sun does not imply he was fathered by the planet sun. He was born out of the sun mantra chanted in prayer. The sun God resides in the form of a mantra within us. So Kunti chanted the Surya mantra and bore Karna as a blessing. ...
  6. Gurudev, please throw light upon the law of attraction.

    As you sow so shall you reap. Whatever you have inside, you attract similar things towards you. If you have a lack in the realm of the mind that is what happens. Like attracts like on the subtle level whereas in the gross the opposites attract. ...
  7. Jai Gurudev, I want to know how much effect do planetary movements have on the life of an individual.

    It has an effect to some extent. But you have something deep inside you which is even more powerful. If the energy inside you wakes up it can change the impact of these movements too. ...
  8. Jai Gurudev, as a mother and teacher how do I guide the younger generation?

    First be a teacher and then a mother. Be a teacher for your children and for the friends of your children. If you attend to the whole group of your children’s friends then you will be an effective mother as well. ...